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Gas chromatograph Crystallux-4000m

The gas chromatograph "Kristallux-4000M" is fully automated, starting from sample input and ending with chromatographic information processing, including the functions of automatic temperature control of thermostats, flow rates and pressure of the carrier gas (EUPG system), auxiliary gases, automatic ignition of detectors, flame burning control during operation, measurement of detector signals using Gorenje 24-bit ADC.
Technical specifications:
The detection limit of PID is 1,1x10-12 gS/s for h-hydrocarbons 1,1x10-12 gS/s for propane.
The detection limit of DTP1.7x10-14 g/s for lindane
3.9x10`15 g/s for lindane (micro-ED)
The detection limit of EZD1x10`13 grus for phosphorus in metaphos
8x10`13 g5/s for sulfur in metaphos or hydrogen sulfide
PFD detection limit
1.5x10`14 g/s for phosphorus in metaphos
3x10`13 GM/s for nitrogen in azobenzene
Detection limit of TID2x10`10 g/ml by hydrogen
The detection limit of TcD is 5x10`13 g/s for benzene
The detection limit of the FEED is 3x10`13 g/s for carbon in methane 3x10`13 g/s for carbon in methane
Detection limit GID500:1 (M7-801) with the introduction of 1x10`12 g / ml of octafluoroaphthalene
The signal-to-noise ratio of MSD 1500:1 (Maestro-oMS) when entering 1x10`12 g / ml of octafluoroaphthalene
Linear dynamic range of PID x1*107
Linear dynamic range DTP1*108
The volume of the column thermostat is 14 (19)l
The temperature of the column Current.Wednesday
+3 °C to +400 °C
(by special order up to 450 °C)
(by special order from -10°C
with use. cold. ust-ki)(by special order from -100 °C.
with use. liquid, no.)
The discreteness of the temperature setting is 0, ° C
Temperature stability 0.01 °C
Temperature programming speed 0t 0.1 to 125 °C/min (by special order up to 150 °C/min)
The number of isotherms is not less than 30
The cooling rate of the column thermostat is from 400 to 50 °C3.3 min.
The maximum temperature of the detector and evaporator is 450 °C
Carrier gas consumption from 0 to 100 ml/min.(by special order up to 500 ml/min.)
Carrier gas pressure (for capillary column) from 0 to 0.40 Mpa
(by special order up to 1 MPa)
The maximum inlet gas pressure on a special order is 0.5 MPA
1.25 MPA
Hydrogen consumption 0-500
Air consumption 0-1000
Overall dimensions (width x depth x height) 550%500*500 mm
Weight 39 kg
Electric power supply from AC mains voltage (220.2) V, frequency (50 +1) Hz
The maximum power consumption (in steady-state mode) is 900 VA.
Foreign analogues
Agilent Technologies Agilent 8860
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