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40 products
EPR spectrometer CMS8400 NEO
EPR spectrometer CMS8400 NEO
The CMS8400 NEO is a compact electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer designed for routine research in physics, chemistry, biology and related scientific fields for direct detection of free radicals and paramagnetic materials. The CMS8400 NEO can be used in both laboratory and industrial settings in the mode of on-line measurements, embedded in technological processes, thus providing control of parameters and reactions in the production process. Additional accessories and adapted software can make the spectrometer an analytical tool and allow to implement new complex applications in medicine, petrochemistry, brewing, sanitary and hygienic control, as well as in other industries.
Produced in: Belarus
Atomic emission spectrometer Iskroline 500
Atomic emission spectrometer Iskroline 500
1 supp.
The main advantage of a mobile spectrometer is the ability to measure the composition of alloys not only in the laboratory on specially prepared samples, but also directly in a workshop or warehouse without cutting the product or workpiece.
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Determination of the position of the detection device in space during measurements A cable coil with current transfer Presentation of measurement results in the form of distribution maps of the content of controlled radionuclides or the dose rate of gamma radiation Expert mode for the analysis of the instrument spectrum with automatic identification of the radionuclide composition of the sample GARM expert software for subsequent data processing and analysis, as well as radiation mapping
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
- Measurement of pollution density and specific activity of radionuclides 134Cs and 137Cs in soils and soils; - Measurement of the specific activity of radionuclides 137Cs, 134Cs, 131I in water, food, forestry products, agro-industrial complex and liquid radioactive waste; - Determination of the content of natural radionuclides 40K, 226Ra, 232Th; - Identification of radionuclides: 134Cs, 137Cs, 131I, 40K, 226Ra, 232Th; - Measurement of the ambient dose equivalent of gamma radiation Measurements without sampling with GPS-binding Intelligent detection unit in an airtight container Automatic determination of the thickness of the contaminated soil layer by radionuclides 137Cs and 134Cs
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Monoblock design Multifunctionality A built-in GPS module Audible, vibration and visual alarms The possibility of connecting external detection units Battery life 25 h (AT6102A,V),18 h (AT6102)
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Flame spectrometer "Peacock"
Flame spectrometer "Peacock"
The flame spectrometer is designed for rapid determination of a wide range of concentrations (up to 8 orders of magnitude) of sodium, lithium, potassium, calcium, barium, caesium, rubidium in technological solutions. The excitation of atoms occurs in an air-acetylene flame. The device consists of a three-slit burner with flame control, a pneumatic sprayer, a spray chamber, an optical radiation input system into the "Hummingbird-2" spectrometer and an automatic air and acetylene supply system, with the possibility to control and adjust gas flow. The use of a three-slit burner provides increased flame temperature over the central slit of the burner due to the external flame layers. This makes it possible to determine low concentrations of calcium and barium. At the same time, it remains the possibility to determine impurities in highly concentrated solutions without clogging the burner slots. The lighting system of the spectrometer is mirror-lens, thanks to this, radiation collected from both sides of the burner is introduced into the polychromator.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Combination of the composition of detection units at the customer's request Scalability of the complex in terms of sensitivity to gamma and neutron radiation in wide ranges Automatic simultaneous gamma-neutron radiation scanning Displaying measurement results with reference to the terrain (GPS) in real time Search and detection of sources of radioactive radiation and identification of isotopic composition Placement and use in impact-resistant cases Assessment of the surface density of 137Cs radionuclide contamination (kBq/m2, Ci/km2)
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Diesel engine oil spectrometric analysis system "EXPRESS-OIL"
Diesel engine oil spectrometric analysis system "EXPRESS-OIL"
Diesel engine oil spectrometric analysis system "EXPRESS-OIL" is designed to analyze engine oils according to GOST 20759 and determine the concentration of wear elements of rubbing diesel parts, contaminants and additives in diesel engine oils during scheduled maintenance and repair of traction rolling stock in locomotive repair depots, as well as electronic accounting and analysis of dynamics data the content of wear elements in engine oils for each locomotive, as well as the determination of the composition of metals and alloys according to GOST, greases (according to CTCH-28/4, CTCHS-53) and other materials.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
The radiometer allows you to: - measure the total alpha and total beta activity of counting samples based on aerosol analytical filters of the AFA type; - measure the total alpha and total beta activity of "thick-layer" counting samples prepared from the sample substance (for example, by evaporation or by any other method that provides a "thick" sample); - measure the total alpha and total beta activity of "thin-layer" counting samples prepared from the sample substance (for example, by electrolytic deposition); - measure activity, flux density, external alpha and beta radiation for sources of type 1P9, 2P9, 3P9, 1C0, 2C0, 3C0; - control radiation contamination of surfaces by smears. Device control and measurement data processing is performed by an external PC The possibility to use custom calibrations The possibility to select units of measurement LED stabilization of the measuring path Passive lead protection against background radiation The possibility to maintain a measurement database Methodological support of measurements
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Express Mössbauer spectrometer MS1104Em
Express Mössbauer spectrometer MS1104Em
The MS-1104E spectrometer is characterized by high performance and accuracy of Mössbauer measurements achieved through the use of “compressed” geometry, as well as the use of highly efficient and selective resonant scintillation detection units that improve the energy resolution of resonance absorption lines by up to 30%. The technique of software and hardware stabilization of the spectrometric path developed and used in the spectrometer allows for long-term Mossbauer measurements without manual adjustment. The method of modulation in the specified speed intervals can significantly increase the sensitivity and expressiveness of measurements and reduce the time to determine the magnitude of the effects of resonant absorption by tens of times in the study of temperature phase transitions with a low concentration of resonant elements. The electronic components of the spectrometer are developed on the basis of a modern element base using programmable logic matrices and microprocessors. Adjustable spectrometric paths and high-voltage power supplies of the PMU are integrated into detection units, modulator driver modules and multi-channel storage are made in the ISA standard and are located in the processor unit of the computer. Setting and monitoring of all parameters of the spectrometer and processing of the measured spectra is carried out from the operating windows of the control and processing programs. Since 2000, more than ten spectrometers of this type have been supplied to leading scientific organizations in Russia and neighboring countries. One of the few industrial applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy should be noted - the development and supply to the Volgodonsk NPP of certified MS-1104Em methods and spectrometer for monitoring corrosion processes in the heat exchange circuits of the VVER-1000 reactor.
Produced in: Rostov-on-Don
Sulfur Analyzer SPECTROSCAN SW-D3
Sulfur Analyzer SPECTROSCAN SW-D3
The analyzer is designed to determine the mass fraction of sulfur in automotive fuel in accordance with GOST R 52660-2006 / GOST ISO 20884-2016, ASTM D6334, as well as in oil and petroleum products according to GOST R 53203-2008 / GOST 33194-2014, ASTM D2622, GB/T 11140-2008. Depending on the customer's needs, the analyzer is configured to work in accordance with a particular standard. Implements an arbitration method for measuring the mass fraction of sulfur in automobile fuel of the third, fourth and fifth classes. The device is designed specifically for high-quality and fast X-ray fluorescence analysis of fuel in accordance with the technical regulations "On requirements for automotive and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil", which establishes an arbitration X-ray fluorescence wave dispersion method for determining the mass fraction of sulfur in automotive fuels of the third, fourth and fifth classes. The wave dispersion sulfur analyzer SPECTROSCAN SW-D3 is designed taking into account all the requirements for the process of X-ray fluorescence elemental analysis of low sulfur contents in petroleum products. The operator's actions when performing measurements are minimized: - the number/name of the sample is entered from the built-in keyboard; - the sample is poured into two cuvettes; - the obtained samples are placed in the analyzer and measurements are started. The analyzer performs all subsequent actions automatically without operator involvement: - calculates and displays the sulfur content in the sample; - calculates convergence - the difference in determining the mass fraction of sulfur in the first and second samples; - prints measurement results on the built-in printer.
NPO Spektron
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg