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38 products
Hydroponic research facility "BIOTEKA"
Hydroponic research facility "BIOTEKA"
The installation allows you to grow plants regardless of the time of year and weather conditions. Watering, ventilation and lighting of plants take place automatically. The system allows you to cultivate vegetable, berry, green, ornamental and medicinal plants. The equipment has a number of functions that allow you to identify the optimal modes of growing various crops: • Regulation of plant lighting modes • Plant nutrition management • Machine vision system (in the future, it will allow replacing humans and automatically controlling the microclimate, nutrition and lighting of plants to obtain maximum yields or plants with specified properties) These cultivation systems allow you to develop the following competencies: Chemistry – preparation of nutrient solutions; Biology – plant physiology, biochemistry, agronomy; Physics – spectral composition of light, hydrodynamics, energy supply of the system; Engineering – development of structural features of plant growing systems; IT – data collection and processing, training neural networks in decision-making algorithms; Economics – calculation of planting density, yield, and sales model. Growing plants in the city, in the vicinity of consumers, is mainstream all over the world. According to the UN, city farming will be the main direction of supplying fresh plant products to urban residents. In Russia, this area is especially relevant due to the natural and climatic characteristics of the country. The training of specialists and the development of this area will improve the quality of nutrition with vitamin products of the population and strengthen food security.
Produced in: Moscow
Phytotron (Climate Chamber) I-250
Phytotron (Climate Chamber) I-250
1 supp.
Functional features Working volume 250l. Maintenance of a wide temperature range in the working area (from -5 ° C to 50 ° C). LED lighting with variable spectrum and intensity. Multi-zone lighting distributed over the working volume. Four removable shelves. Execution of the working chamber: stainless steel. A two-door system for the possibility of surveillance. Multi-zone temperature monitoring. Control of the moisture content in the soil. Color TFT display.
Produced in: Moscow region, Pushchino
Infrared analyzer "InfraLUM® FT-12" with a wake-up module
Infrared analyzer "InfraLUM® FT-12" with a wake-up module
1 supp.
Technical specifications: Measurement time, sec. 80 Standard sample volume in a cuvette, 500 ml Spectral range, cm-1 from 8700 to 13200 Spectral resolution, cm-1, not more than 10 The limit of the permissible value of the absolute error of the wavenumber scale, cm-1 ± 0.5 The level of positive and negative pseudo-scattered light caused by the nonlinearity of the photodetector system (relative to the maximum signal), %, not more than ± 0.25 Analyzer warm-up time, min, no more than 30 Continuous operation time of the analyzer, h, not less than 8 Overall dimensions, mm, not more than 530x485x495 Weight, kg, not more than 32 Power supply of analyzers from the AC network: AC power supply voltage, V frequency, Hz (220 ±22) (50 ±1) Power consumption, V× A, not more than 110 Average time to failure, h, not less than 2500
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Infrared analyzer "InfraLUM® FT-12"
Infrared analyzer "InfraLUM® FT-12"
1 supp.
Technical specifications: Measurement time, 80 seconds Standard sample volume in a cuvette, 50 ml Spectral range, cm-1 from 8700 to 13200 Spectral resolution, cm-1, no more than 10 The limit of the permissible value of the absolute error of the wave number scale, cm-1 ±0,5 Analyzer warm-up time, min, no more than 30 Continuous operation time of the analyzer, h, at least 8 Overall dimensions, mm, no more than 530x450x380 Weight, kg, not more than 32 Power supply of analyzers from the AC network: AC power supply voltage, V frequency, Hz (220 ±22) (50 ±1) Power consumption, V× A, not more than 110 Average time to failure, h, not less than 2500
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Genetic analyzer NANOPHORE 05 (DNA sequencer)
Genetic analyzer NANOPHORE 05 (DNA sequencer)
from 10 684 200 ₽
1 supp.
DNA sequencing and fragment analysis technologies are the most informative methods of DNA analysis, therefore NANOPHOR 05 devices are used to solve a wide range of tasks in personalized medicine and sanitary and epidemiological control, in criminology, animal husbandry, crop production, veterinary medicine, fisheries, quarantine and metrological services, as well as in basic scientific research. The genetic analyzer was developed and mass-produced in Russia by the consortium "Russian Genetic Technologies" as part of the Institute of Analytical Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), the FGUP EZAN plant (Chernogolovka) and NPF Syntol LLC (Moscow). NANOPHORE 05 has registration certificate No. RNZ 2015/3474 dated March 11, 2022. Warranty service of the device: 24 months from the date of commissioning. Free training for the user on working with the device, commissioning, joint productions, as well as training in working with software. Technical and user characteristics Number of capillaries: 8 Tablet size: 96 x 0.2 ml Number of fluorescence detection channels: 7 Laser: solid-state Laser power: 110 MW Laser wavelength: 488 nm Voltage range: 0.1 - 15 kV Temperature maintenance range and accuracy: 30 - 70 °C (+/- 0.03 °C) Reading length with an accuracy of at least 99%: up to 950 nucleotides Standard fragment analysis time of up to 460 nucleotides: 34 minutes The maximum analyzed length of a DNA fragment (fragment analysis): at least 1200 nucleotides Weight: not more than 50 kg Applications: DNA sequencing by Sanger DNA fragment analysis (STR, QF-PCR, MSI, OLA, MLPA, SNaPshot, ISSR, AFLP, tRFLP) Identification of the person The genetic analyzer NANOPHORE 05 is distinguished by: - Wide dynamic range: the device demonstrates high sensitivity with a small amount of incoming material and high overload resistance with a large amount of incoming DNA. - Wide installation base: currently there are more than 250 devices installed in the most advanced laboratories in Russia, near and far abroad. Several million studies are performed annually on NANOPHORE 05 devices. - The low weight and reliability of the NANOPHORE 05 assembly make it possible to use the device for field work as part of mobile laboratories. - Prompt service and methodological support: directly from the manufacturer at all stages of interaction with the customer. A quick solution to any technical issue due to the fact that specialists from the chief designer to the assembly shop employee are located in Russia. - Regular schools on modern methods of DNA sequencing and fragment analysis. - High quality and availability of reagents: Our own production of reagents enables our customers to receive all the solutions necessary for their work from one source. Stable delivery times of NANOPHOR 05 devices, related equipment, reagents and consumables and long shelf life of reagents due to the production base in Russia. - Openness of the system: the ability to use reagents and kits from third-party manufacturers, the ability to create your own protocols.
Produced in: Moscow
Full-genome sequencer Nanophore SPS
Full-genome sequencer Nanophore SPS
from 14 850 000 ₽
1 supp.
Specifications: 1. The number of flow cells is 1 pc. 2. Reading - double-ended 2x250 nucleotides. 3. Productivity - 7.5 billion nucleotides (15 million reads). 4. The analysis time is no more than 40 hours.
Produced in: Moscow
Enzymes for amplification
Enzymes for amplification
from 2 940 ₽
Field of application:  High-performance PCR  Conventional PCR with high reproducibility  Development of PCR products for TA cloning  The second stage of RT-PCR
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Enzymes for genomic editing
Enzymes for genomic editing
from 8 510 ₽
Field of application: genomic editing, CRISPR/Cas9 technology.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Isothermal amplification
Isothermal amplification
from 750 ₽
Field of application: - Real-time loop isothermal amplification with Using SYBR Green I intercalating dye - loop isothermal amplification with endpoint detection.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Enzymes for biotechnology
Enzymes for biotechnology
from 1 350 ₽
Field of application: Cloning of restriction fragments. Connecting DNA fragments with blunt ends.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Enzymes for PCR and molecular biology
Enzymes for PCR and molecular biology
from 680 ₽
Fields of application:  High-performance PCR  Conventional PCR with high reproducibility  Development of PCR products for TA cloning  The second stage of RT-PCR
Produced in: Novosibirsk
from 4 520 ₽
Reverse Transcriptase RNAscribe RT Reverse transcriptase M-MuLV–RH A set of reagents RT-M-MuLV-RH with primers RNAscribe RT Plus BioMaster (5×) RT-PCR RT-PCR with real-time detection: BioMaster RT-qPCR (2×) BioMaster RT-PCR SYBR Blue (2×) BioMaster RT-PCR-qPCR-Extreme (2×) RT-PCR with endpoint detection: BioMaster RT-PCR-Standard (2×) BioMaster RT-PCR–Premium (2×) BioMaster RT-PCR–Extra (2×) BioMaster RT - PCR– Premium - Color (2×) BioMaster RT-PCR – Color (2×)
Produced in: Novosibirsk