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Mini press for producing thin layers of substance on steel mirror plates

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Mini press for producing thin layers of substance on steel mirror plates
It is intended for sample preparation when examining samples using an IR microscope and mirror reflection prefixes.

Allows you to shape a thin layer (up to several microns) to various objects: polymer fragments, microparticles of LCP, powdery substances, fibers, etc.

The resulting thin layers on mirror plates made of alloy steel are investigated by the double transmission method – when the radiation that has passed through the layer of matter is reflected from the surface of the plate and passes through the substance again.

The spectra recorded by this method are completely identical to the transmission spectra obtained, for example, after pressing substances with KBr.
The advantages in this case are:

- speed of sample preparation

- there is no need to use hydraulic and manual presses and molds, grinding mortars, etc.

- no need to use high-purity KBr or petroleum jelly oil

- the sample is not lost and, if necessary, can be examined by other methods

- when using an IR microscope, it is possible to “scan” the resulting thin layer to select the most informative area, and also, if the layer is heterogeneous in composition, to obtain the spectral characteristics of its components.
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