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Diamond thermal cell NPVO with temperature controller

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Diamond thermal cell NPVO with temperature controller
The sample heating system is designed to expand the capabilities of standard set-top boxes NPVO-ZDO and NPVO-A. It consists of a heated replaceable frame with a diamond prism and a temperature controller unit.

For most solid samples in the heated state, it is possible to obtain a much more pronounced NPV spectrum than in the cold state. This makes it possible to increase the sensitivity of the method several times.

The properties of some substances and compounds change dramatically with an increase in temperature, chemical interaction processes between components, their decomposition, oxidation in air, etc. may occur. If changes in the chemical composition of a substance occur during heating, a set of spectra corresponding to the kinetics of the process can be obtained with the help of an NPVO prefix with a diamond thermocell and a temperature controller, which is essential expands the possibilities of the method in research.

Technical characteristics of the NPVO set-top box with a thermocell and a controller

Transmission in the operating range of the spectrum, % of the input signal at least 10
The recommended number of scans when registering spectra is 25
Spectrum registration time at 25 scans (resolution 4 cm-1), sec 30
The depth of penetration of radiation into the sample, microns 5 – 15
Minimum dimensions of the solid sample, mm 0.5 × 0.5
Minimum volume of the liquid under study, ml 1
Minimum dimensions of the fiber sample: cross-section diameter/length, mm 0.3/1
The material of the crystal substrate is DIAMOND
The diameter of the free zone of the crystal, mm not less than 2 x 3
The diameter of the focus spot, mm 1.5
Maximum temperature With 220o
Adjustment accuracy, With 1o
Time to reach the maximum temperature, min 10
Overall dimensions, mm 130×200×90
Weight, kg 1,2
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