Pure Nitrogen Generator GCHA-18D-K
The characteristics of the device are similar to the GCHA-18D model;
The difference is that the oil–free compressor built into the GCHA-18D-K generator provides complete autonomy of the device.
The warranty for the device is 18 months, for the built-in compressor - 12 months from the date of sale.
Technical specifications
The grade of nitrogen produced according to GOST 9293-74 is high purity, grade I
The volume fraction of nitrogen is not less than, % vol.
(including impurities of inert gases: argon, neon, helium) 99,999
The volume fraction of oxygen is not more than, % vol. (ppm) 0.0005 (5 ppm)
The volume fraction of water vapor is not more than, % vol. (ppm) 0.0007 (7 ppm)
The volume fraction of hydrogen is not more than, % vol. (ppm) 0.0002 (2 ppm)
The volume fraction of the sum of carbon-containing compounds in terms of methane is not more than, % vol. (ppm)
(with a concentration of methane in the supply air not more than 5 ppm)* 0.00001 (0.1 ppm)
Maximum nitrogen capacity is not less than 18 liters/hour (300 ml/min)
Nominal output pressure of nitrogen is 4 ati
The time of setting the operating mode for single-shift operation is no more than, min, * 45
Noise level generated by the compressor is no more than 45 dB
Power consumption is not more than 300 VA
Overall dimensions, (width x depth x height) are not more than, mm 230x470x510
Weight, not more than, kg 25
Working conditions:
Ambient temperature, °C from +10 to +35
Electric power supply from a single-phase AC network with a voltage of 220 ± 10%
and a frequency of 50 ± 1 Hz
Average full service life is at least 6 years
The generator for electrical safety meets the requirements of Class 1, type H according to GOST 12.2.025-76
Produced in: Moscow