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23 products
Grand ISP - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
Grand ISP - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
The dual-view plasma spectrometer can record any spectral line simultaneously at high resolution in the concentration range from fractions of ppb up to tens of percent and offers a wide range of options for any research task. Designed for the analysis of almost any type of environmental samples – water, soil, precipitation. Quick switching to work. It does not require a long warm-up. Low argon consumption. Easy to use.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Vacuum Spectrometer Favorite
Vacuum Spectrometer Favorite
Vacuum spectrometers are designed for rapid analysis of alloys based on iron, copper, aluminum and other metals in factory and research laboratories, including the determination of elements having analytical lines in the field of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) (for example, S, P and C in steels).
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Diesel engine oil spectrometric analysis system "EXPRESS-OIL"
Diesel engine oil spectrometric analysis system "EXPRESS-OIL"
Diesel engine oil spectrometric analysis system "EXPRESS-OIL" is designed to analyze engine oils according to GOST 20759 and determine the concentration of wear elements of rubbing diesel parts, contaminants and additives in diesel engine oils during scheduled maintenance and repair of traction rolling stock in locomotive repair depots, as well as electronic accounting and analysis of dynamics data the content of wear elements in engine oils for each locomotive, as well as the determination of the composition of metals and alloys according to GOST, greases (according to CTCH-28/4, CTCHS-53) and other materials.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
 Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Globula"
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Globula"
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Globula" includes a spectrometer "Grand", a spectroanalytic generator "Ball Lightning" and a tripod "Globula". It allows the analysis of various substances and materials in arc and spark discharges in air, for example according to GOST 17818.15-90 "Graphite. Spectral analysis method", GOST 9717.1-82 "Copper. A method of spectral analysis based on metallic standard samples with photoelectric spectrum registration" and other MVIS.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Table for working with powder samples
Table for working with powder samples
A table with a stone countertop and a stainless steel sheet located in the center with a perforation through which exhaust ventilation creates a constant flow of air carrying away sample particles
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Two-jet arc plasmatron "Torch"
Two-jet arc plasmatron "Torch"
The plasmatron is designed for direct atomic emission spectral analysis of powder samples. The excitation of atoms occurs in a DC argon arc plasma. Weak matrix effects and low detection limits make it possible to use this excitation source for the analysis of various samples, both with mineral and organic matrix.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
MAES Analyzer for Scintillation
MAES Analyzer for Scintillation
MAES analyzers for recording atomic emission spectra with a time resolution of 1 ms are based on highly sensitive photodiodes and a special switching board for simultaneous reading of several sections of the spectra. The assembly of the rulers is installed on the "Grand" spectrometer. A " Flow" or twin-jet arc plasmatron is used to excite the atomic emission spectra of powder samples. The ATOM software registers the selected spectral lines and provides their processing according to the specified algorithms, taking into account the number and brightness of flashes (i.e. particle size). Recording the spectra of powder samples with a large time resolution makes it possible to estimate the number and size of individual particles, identify their composition and determine the concentrations of elements in each particle, promptly assess the uniformity of the distribution of certain elements to be determined and expand the possibilities of spectral analysis without significant changes in sample preparation. Main application areas: mass analysis of powder geological samples by scintillation to determine gold, silver, platinum group metals, iridium, rhodium, etc. with detection limits up to 0.01 g/t; qualitative determination of the composition of inclusions and mineral particles.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Flame spectrometer "Peacock"
Flame spectrometer "Peacock"
The flame spectrometer is designed for rapid determination of a wide range of concentrations (up to 8 orders of magnitude) of sodium, lithium, potassium, calcium, barium, caesium, rubidium in technological solutions. The excitation of atoms occurs in an air-acetylene flame. The device consists of a three-slit burner with flame control, a pneumatic sprayer, a spray chamber, an optical radiation input system into the "Hummingbird-2" spectrometer and an automatic air and acetylene supply system, with the possibility to control and adjust gas flow. The use of a three-slit burner provides increased flame temperature over the central slit of the burner due to the external flame layers. This makes it possible to determine low concentrations of calcium and barium. At the same time, it remains the possibility to determine impurities in highly concentrated solutions without clogging the burner slots. The lighting system of the spectrometer is mirror-lens, thanks to this, radiation collected from both sides of the burner is introduced into the polychromator.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Electric arc installation for the analysis of powder samples by the method of spillage injection "Stream"
Electric arc installation for the analysis of powder samples by the method of spillage injection "Stream"
The installation is designed to excite atomic emission spectra of powder samples in an electric arc by the spillage-injection method. It provides high performance of routine analyses, has a low consumption of graphite electrodes and is used in conjunction with any spectral devices – "Grand", STE-1, DFS-458, MFS-8, PGS-2, etc.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Universal spectrometer "Express"
Universal spectrometer "Express"
The spectrometer is designed to perform quantitative and qualitative spectral analysis of various substances and materials (powders, metals, solutions) in factory and research laboratories. The spectrometer is compact due to the vertical arrangement of the Paschen-Runge optical system. It consists of two MAES analyzers with 10 lines of photodiodes installed on a circle with a radius of 520 mm, a non-classical concave diffraction grating, a special table with a built-in computer and a spectrum excitation source.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Stream"
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Stream"
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Stream" is designed for rapid determination of the composition of powder samples of natural and industrial origin, includes a "Grand" spectrometer, a "Stream" installation and auxiliary equipment for sample preparation.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Spectroanalytical tripod "Globula"
Spectroanalytical tripod "Globula"
The video camera and servos of the electrode holders built into the tripod are designed to automatically maintain the interelectrode gap during the evaporation of the sample by computer analysis in real time of the image of the arc discharge, as well as the initial setting of this gap relative to the optical axis. The electrode holders are cooled with water using a closed-cycle cooling unit.
Produced in: Novosibirsk