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6 products
Optical recorder of oil films "CRAB-1"
Optical recorder of oil films "CRAB-1"
1 supp.
Technical specifications: Sensitivity (minimum thickness of recorded oil films) from 0.5 microns The root-mean-square slope of the water surface up to 20 ° Distance from the receiving device up to 1000 m Sensor power supply 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz Power consumption up to 3 watts Ambient air temperature from -10 to +50 °C Humidity up to 100% (rain) Distance to the water surface 0.5–20 m Dimensions 120x180x120 mm Weight up to 1.5 kg
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Multichannel analyzer of atomic emission spectra of MAES
Multichannel analyzer of atomic emission spectra of MAES
The MAES analyzer is a modern means of measuring the intensities of spectral lines and then calculating the concentrations of the elements to be determined.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
MAES Analyzer for Scintillation
MAES Analyzer for Scintillation
MAES analyzers for recording atomic emission spectra with a time resolution of 1 ms are based on highly sensitive photodiodes and a special switching board for simultaneous reading of several sections of the spectra. The assembly of the rulers is installed on the "Grand" spectrometer. A " Flow" or twin-jet arc plasmatron is used to excite the atomic emission spectra of powder samples. The ATOM software registers the selected spectral lines and provides their processing according to the specified algorithms, taking into account the number and brightness of flashes (i.e. particle size). Recording the spectra of powder samples with a large time resolution makes it possible to estimate the number and size of individual particles, identify their composition and determine the concentrations of elements in each particle, promptly assess the uniformity of the distribution of certain elements to be determined and expand the possibilities of spectral analysis without significant changes in sample preparation. Main application areas: mass analysis of powder geological samples by scintillation to determine gold, silver, platinum group metals, iridium, rhodium, etc. with detection limits up to 0.01 g/t; qualitative determination of the composition of inclusions and mineral particles.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
POWDIX 600 X-ray powder diffractometer
POWDIX 600 X-ray powder diffractometer
A feature of the POWDIX 600 X-ray diffractometer scheme is the vertical Bragg-Brentano optical scheme with a fixed horizontal sample position, which makes working with powdery materials, gels and other viscous substances more practical and convenient. The high detector resolution and precise positioning of the POWDIX 600 X-ray goniometer achieve an accuracy better than +/- 0.02° (2θ) over the entire angular range. In the POWDIX 600 diffractometer, the X-ray tube is cooled by an integrated closed water circuit, which can be serviced by any laboratory employee. A wide variety of sample holders (holder for massive samples, holder with rotation, phoneless cuvettes) expands the functionality of the POWDIX 600 and makes it an invaluable tool for scientific research in solid-state physics, materials science, chemistry, geology and other fields of science The diffractometer is included in the Russian State Register of Measuring Instruments.
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Spectrophotometer UV-VIS PB2201
Spectrophotometer UV-VIS PB2201
1 supp.
Measuring functions Measurement of absorption, transmission, and reflection spectra Measurement of optical density, transmission coefficient and reflection coefficient at fixed wavelengths Determination of concentration at one, two, three wavelengths by factor, standard, schedule Multi-wave kinetic measurements Determination of concentration by programmed methods Calculation of color and chromaticity coordinates UVI spectrophotometers "SOLAR" operate in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions of the spectrum. They are used in scientific laboratories, healthcare institutions, veterinary medicine, pharmaceuticals, ecology, biology, etc., in laboratories for quality control of products and raw materials in various sectors of the economy (industrial enterprises, agriculture, food industry, etc.) Removable cuvette holders and set-top boxes Accurate measurements Cost-effectiveness Touch screen Built-in printer Software support
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Multichannel digital measuring converter - recorder Ecofizika-500
Multichannel digital measuring converter - recorder Ecofizika-500
Ecofizika-500 is a multifunctional modern platform for building complex measuring systems. The developed software makes it possible to fully use the powerful hardware potential of the system in tasks requiring the use of complex computational algorithms. Ecofizika-500 is not just another multi-channel frontend designed to transfer unprocessed data to a computer; it is an independent measuring device capable of calculating a huge number of quantities in real time, storing them in its own memory and (or) issuing them to a telemetry channel. The device can be used, including in offline mode, as a data logger, which is very important when testing complex equipment that limits the presence of the operator. Ecofizika-500 has an approved type of measuring instrument and methodological support for measuring acoustic and vibrational quantities.
Produced in: Moscow