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Single- and multi-pass gas cuvettes

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Single- and multi-pass gas cuvettes
Single- and multi-pass flask are used for qualitative and quantitative spectral analysis of gas mixtures. The use of multi-pass flask makes it possible to confidently detect extremely small concentrations of the components of the gas under study (less than ppm units).

• Three types of flask are supplied:
1. single-pass, having a stroke length of 100 mm, with a glass body and windows made of ZnSe, KBr, NaCl
2. multi-pass, with a beam stroke length of up to several tens of meters
3. multi-pass, with a beam stroke length of up to several tens of meters, equipped with a heating system of the working chamber up to 200 ° C and a thermal controller
Multi-pass cuvettes have a transparent working chamber made of quartz glass; mirrors with a gold (99.999) coating provide a reflection coefficient in the IR region of at least 98%; additionally, cuvettes can be equipped with pressure and temperature sensors, fittings for controlling gas flow, etc.
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