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26 products
Universal holder of solid samples of various thicknesses and films
Universal holder of solid samples of various thicknesses and films
It is used for recording transmission spectra of medium–sized and arbitrary-shaped solid samples - polymer films of various thicknesses, optical parts, semiconductor wafers, large crystals, etc. • Thanks to quick-release nuts, it provides convenient fastening of samples
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Spectral measuring complex: automated IR Fourier spectrometer "FT-801" with IR microscope "MIKRAN-2"
Spectral measuring complex: automated IR Fourier spectrometer "FT-801" with IR microscope "MIKRAN-2"
2 supp.
from 100 500 ₽
The wide-range IR microscope of the MICRAN series, connected to the FT-801 and Infralum FT-801 Fourier spectrometers, is designed to study samples from 10 microns in size, including heterogeneous in composition. When working on an IR microscope, the operator has the opportunity to observe the object under study with a magnification of over 200X both using binoculars and on a monitor using a digital video camera, during photometry, select a local area of arbitrary shape with the help of diaphragms, and also “scan” the surface of the sample, observing the spectrum obtained in real time.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Universal optical set-top box with zinc selenide element and integrated visualization system on an external monitor
Universal optical set-top box with zinc selenide element and integrated visualization system on an external monitor
It is intended for express analysis of various types of solid and liquid samples, including polymer particles, films and fibers, powdery substances, fragments of paint coatings, fuels and lubricants. The presence of an optical system for visual inspection of the surface under study with an increase of 75X ensures high efficiency when working with small samples – fragments of thin fibers, microparticles, etc. The universal clamp is equipped with a precision lever mechanism for quickly lowering the tip and a micrometer screw that allows you to pre–set the optimal degree of pressure - this ensures quick sample change and repeatability of the results during measurements. For convenience when working with liquid and paste-like samples, as well as in the ZDO mode, it is possible to rotate the clamping console by 180o. The console is equipped with two replaceable tips – with a spherical working part and with a flat hinged head. A replacement table is used to register the specular and diffuse reflection spectra. The sample is located on the subject plane of the investigated surface downwards, the angle of incidence of the central beam on the sample is 45 °. The method is used to determine the spectral characteristics of optical parts, crystals, thin films on the surface, as well as to register the absorption spectra of large solid objects. Transmission in the operating range of the spectrum, % of the input signal at least 30 The recommended number of scans when registering spectra is 25 Spectrum registration time at 25 scans (resolution 4 cm-1), sec 30 The depth of penetration of radiation into the sample, microns 5 – 15 Minimum area of a solid sample, mm 0.2 × 0.2 Minimum volume of the liquid under study, ml 1 Minimum dimensions of the fiber sample: cross-section diameter/length, mm 0.1/1 Substrate crystal material ZnSe CVD, Ge Focusing spot diameter, mm 1 The angle of incidence of radiation (central beam) on the sample in the ZDO mode 45o Magnification of the micro lens / total magnification of the visual channel 4X /75X Field of view of the optical system, mm 2 X 2.5 Digital video camera resolution 640 X 480 Overall dimensions, mm 150×150×260 Weight, kg 2.15 • Allows you to study objects of small size (from 200 microns - depending on the geometry, surface quality and physico-chemical properties of the material) • The attachment allows you to work without sample preparation, has a fixed adjustment of the pressure on the sample using a clamp equipped with color indicators • Thanks to the removable flange with the NPVO element, a quick and convenient sample change and cleaning of the crystal surface is provided • At a given optimal contact force, the method provides high quality and repeatability of results due to the absence of influence of the thickness of the substance layer on the shape of the spectrum and the intensity of the absorption bands • The sample retains its original physical and chemical properties and, if necessary, can be further investigated by other methods
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Reflection prefix PO-45 V
Reflection prefix PO-45 V
It is intended for express analysis of various types of solid opaque samples, including polymer films and fragments, paint coatings, finished dosage forms in the form of tablets, optical parts and semiconductor materials. • The sample is located on the subject plane of the investigated surface downwards, the angle of incidence of the central beam on the sample is 45 ° • The diameter of the focus spot is 3 mm • Allows you to explore objects of any shape and size • When using a mini-press, it allows you to examine samples in the form of a thin layer rolled out on a mirror plate made of alloy steel (radiation passes through the substance layer twice, reflecting from the mirror surface) • Not used: for the study of bulk and liquid substances
Produced in: Novosibirsk
IR microscope "MIKRAN-3"
IR microscope "MIKRAN-3"
A higher–level device with extreme sensitivity and an additional set of functions that allow you to expand the possibilities for conducting spectral studies: · revolver mechanism with 4 interchangeable lenses - mirror IR 15X, NPVO, lens 4X, lens 10X; · registration of spectra in the modes of specular and diffuse reflection, transmission and NIP; · increased sensitivity, which allows recording the spectra of micro-objects with sizes from 5 microns; · built-in control panel with advanced functions; · automated mapping system; · the rectangular slit diaphragm is made of special glass – after the fragment is selected, the rest of the field of view is also available to the user, which greatly simplifies photometry of extended surfaces with local inhomogeneities; · specialized software for controlling the microscope and processing the results. Liquid nitrogen is required to work with an IR microscope.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Single- and multi-pass gas cuvettes
Single- and multi-pass gas cuvettes
Single- and multi-pass flask are used for qualitative and quantitative spectral analysis of gas mixtures. The use of multi-pass flask makes it possible to confidently detect extremely small concentrations of the components of the gas under study (less than ppm units). • Three types of flask are supplied: 1. single-pass, having a stroke length of 100 mm, with a glass body and windows made of ZnSe, KBr, NaCl 2. multi-pass, with a beam stroke length of up to several tens of meters 3. multi-pass, with a beam stroke length of up to several tens of meters, equipped with a heating system of the working chamber up to 200 ° C and a thermal controller Multi-pass cuvettes have a transparent working chamber made of quartz glass; mirrors with a gold (99.999) coating provide a reflection coefficient in the IR region of at least 98%; additionally, cuvettes can be equipped with pressure and temperature sensors, fittings for controlling gas flow, etc.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
FT-801 IR Fourier spectrometer
FT-801 IR Fourier spectrometer
It is designed for recording absorption spectra of solid, liquid and gaseous substances in the near and middle IR region (including drugs, lacquers and paints, petroleum products, explosives, pharmacological preparations, polymer films and fibers) with their subsequent identification, as well as for qualitative and quantitative analysis of mixtures containing several components.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Diamond thermal cell NPVO with temperature controller
Diamond thermal cell NPVO with temperature controller
The sample heating system is designed to expand the capabilities of standard set-top boxes NPVO-ZDO and NPVO-A. It consists of a heated replaceable frame with a diamond prism and a temperature controller unit. For most solid samples in the heated state, it is possible to obtain a much more pronounced NPV spectrum than in the cold state. This makes it possible to increase the sensitivity of the method several times. The properties of some substances and compounds change dramatically with an increase in temperature, chemical interaction processes between components, their decomposition, oxidation in air, etc. may occur. If changes in the chemical composition of a substance occur during heating, a set of spectra corresponding to the kinetics of the process can be obtained with the help of an NPVO prefix with a diamond thermocell and a temperature controller, which is essential expands the possibilities of the method in research. Technical characteristics of the NPVO set-top box with a thermocell and a controller Transmission in the operating range of the spectrum, % of the input signal at least 10 The recommended number of scans when registering spectra is 25 Spectrum registration time at 25 scans (resolution 4 cm-1), sec 30 The depth of penetration of radiation into the sample, microns 5 – 15 Minimum dimensions of the solid sample, mm 0.5 × 0.5 Minimum volume of the liquid under study, ml 1 Minimum dimensions of the fiber sample: cross-section diameter/length, mm 0.3/1 The material of the crystal substrate is DIAMOND The diameter of the free zone of the crystal, mm not less than 2 x 3 The diameter of the focus spot, mm 1.5 Maximum temperature With 220o Adjustment accuracy, With 1o Time to reach the maximum temperature, min 10 Overall dimensions, mm 130×200×90 Weight, kg 1,2
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Optical system for recording spectra of substances located in remote closed volumes
Optical system for recording spectra of substances located in remote closed volumes
Designed for monitoring processes in reactors, vacuum chambers, gas pipelines, etc.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Focusing prefix MKF
Focusing prefix MKF
It is used in the study of samples compressed into small-diameter tablets with KBr (the method is convenient for spectral analysis of powdery substances - the prefix allows you to work with small amounts of the sample using a manual press for the manufacture of tablets). • The diameter of the focus spot is less than 3 mm • Parabolic mirror optics are used in the design • Windows-substrates can be placed in the prefix after pasty, liquid substances or extracts are applied to them, followed by drying of the layers • Limited use – in the study of whole samples with dimensions less than 5 mm (preferably using a vertical-type microfocusing attachment)
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Focusing prefix MKF-Yu
Focusing prefix MKF-Yu
It allows recording transmission spectra of objects with sizes from 500 microns (precious stones, optical parts, semiconductor materials). It is also used in the study of samples compressed into small-diameter tablets with KBr (the method is convenient for spectral analysis of powdery substances - the prefix allows you to work with small amounts of the sample using a manual press for the manufacture of tablets). • The diameter of the focus spot is less than 3 mm • The design uses parabolic mirror optics • The set-top box is equipped with a set of replaceable diaphragm holders for samples of different sizes • Windows-substrates made of IR-transparent materials can be placed in the holder after pasty, liquid substances or extracts are applied to them, followed by drying of the layers • The slide table has the possibility of smooth movement in vertical and horizontal directions to achieve the maximum signal level
Produced in: Novosibirsk
A set-top box with a cooled MST detector
A set-top box with a cooled MST detector
To achieve the maximum sensitivity during measurements, a special prefix is used to the FT-801 Fourier spectrometer, which is an optical unit with a built-in highly sensitive MST detector cooled with liquid nitrogen. The set-top box is installed in the cuvette compartment of the spectrometer and connected to the corresponding external electrical port, the detector is turned on programmatically. In this case, the sensitivity of the method increases many times (up to 20) – depending on the type of standard uncooled detector in the spectrometer). The speed of recording spectra is also increasing. The operating time after filling the cryostat (200 ml capacity) with liquid nitrogen is at least 6 hours. Increasing the sensitivity of the spectrometer using a prefix with an MST detector may be required for many applications: in fiber spectroscopy, when recording emission spectra of low-power emitters, in trace gas analysis with high spectral resolution, when determining the presence of impurities in samples in ultra-low concentrations, when using multi-pass gas cuvettes, etc. In the picture: on the left in the cuvette compartment there is a capler with fiber from Art photonics GmbH, Berlin, Germany, on the right there is a prefix with an MST detector. Technical specifications The recommended number of scans when registering spectra is 16 Spectrum registration time at 50 scans (resolution 4 cm-1), sec 20 Cryostat capacity, 200 ml Working time after filling the cryostat, 6 hours Overall dimensions, mm 225×175×75 Weight, kg 1.45
Produced in: Novosibirsk