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Small-sized multichannel spectrometer - "Hummingbird-2"

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Small-sized multichannel spectrometer - "Hummingbird-2"
The spectrometer was created according to the Cherni-Turner scheme based on a flat diffraction grating and an MAES analyzer with one line of photodetectors. It has increased photometric accuracy due to cooling and temperature stabilization of the photodetector range, as well as due to its shell-less design, in which there is no re-reflection of radiation on the cover glass and the background level in the recorded spectrum decreases. The optical scheme and design of the spectrometer are optimized to obtain a high-quality spectrum with a low level of background radiation in any of the regions lying in the spectral range of 190-1100 nm. The choice of the working area is carried out by changing and rotating the diffraction gratings. The sealed case of the spectrometer is filled with an inert gas. The radiation is injected into the spectrometer using a quartz capacitor or a fiber-optic cable with an SMA-905 connector. The optical scheme and design of the spectrometer are protected by patents.
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