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Pilot fermenter 15-50 L for pharmaceuticals

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Pilot fermenter 15-50 L for pharmaceuticals
Biotechno pilot fermenters have a fully aseptic design and are easily validated. The universal C-Bio control system, unified for fermenters of any volume, greatly simplifies the scaling process and allows you to transfer fermentation data to larger fermenters.
The total volume is 15-50 liters
Working volume 10.5-35.0 l
Material of manufacture: 316L stainless steel (for parts in contact with the product)
Stainless steel grade 304L (for parts not in contact with the product)
Design pressure 3.0 kg/cm3 (capacity)
4.0 kg/cm3 (jacket)
Design temperature 143°C (capacity)
151°C (shirt)
Surface treatment Internal polishing 0.4 µm + electropolishing
External polishing 1.2 µm
Ports on capacity
Upper Port for diaphragm pressure gauge
Port for diaphragm pressure transmitter
Bursting membrane
Exhaust gas outlet and condenser
Viewing window
Foam sensor port
Nozzle for CIP
Spare port
Upper side walls
Air supply
Viewing window
Culture liquid supply x 3
Ring Bubbler
Spare port
Lower side walls Port for PT100 temperature resistor sensor
Port for pH sensor
Port for dissolved oxygen sensor
Spare port
Sampling port
Steam supply / outlet of the cooled water
Steam output / Cold water supply
(including safety valve and pressure gauge)
Low drain valve
2. Mixing mechanism
Top drive with single mechanical seal
0.25 kW DC motor
Speed 30-600 rpm (inverter control)
Val – F20
Adjustable three-level paddle stirrers
3 welded partitions
3. Aeration mechanism
Automatic air supply 2 VVM
5" high-efficiency 0.2 µm filter and 316L stainless steel filter housing
Automatic Air flow meter
4. Pressure mechanism
The bursting disc
Pressure gauge
Pressure sensor
Pressure control valve
5. pH/DO control mechanism
pH sensor
pH Sensor Holder
Cable for pH sensor
DO sensor
DO Sensor Holder
Cable for the DO sensor
Peristaltic pump (fixed 20 rpm) x 2
Bottle 1 l x 2
6. Defoaming mechanism
Defoaming sensor
Cable for defoaming sensor
Peristaltic pump (fixed 20 rpm) x 1
1 L x 1 bottle
7. Temperature control mechanism
Temperature sensor (PT 100)
Heat exchanger
8. Strapping and frame
Corners and channels – STS304
Manufactured strapping
Air supply
Supply of process steam
Supply of pure steam
Cooling water supply
Return of cooling water
Drain of waste water
Drain of waste liquids
Exhaust gas output
Diaphragm valve
Direct flow valve
Steam trap
Membrane pressure gauge
Ball valve and pneumatic angle valve
Check valve
Safety valve
Crankshaft, tee
Welding of pipes
Orbital welding (line in contact with the product)
Manual welding (common line)
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