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56 products
Dosimeter-radiometer ISS-17D "Finch"
Dosimeter-radiometer ISS-17D "Finch"
Purpose: measurement of the power of ambient dose equivalent (MAED) and ambient dose equivalent (ED) of photon radiation; operational search for sources of ionizing radiation and radioactive materials; measurement of the flux density and fluence of alpha and beta radiation; measurement of surface alpha and beta activity; measurement of the ambient dose equivalent (MAED) power of neutron radiation.
Produced in: Moscow
Field strength meter small-sized microprocessor IPM-101M
Field strength meter small-sized microprocessor IPM-101M
Purpose: The device is designed to monitor compliance with the maximum permissible levels of high-frequency radiation (alternating electric field strength, alternating magnetic field strength and electromagnetic field energy flux density) at the workplaces of personnel servicing electrical and radio engineering installations and systems emitting an electromagnetic field, in accordance with GOST 12.1.006, GN 2.1.8./ and San-PiN 2.2.4/
Produced in: Moscow
Gamma radiation detector threshold stationary SRPS-05D
Gamma radiation detector threshold stationary SRPS-05D
A simple and reliable device for monitoring the radiation situation in rooms where work is carried out with radioactive sources (substances, medications, installations). If the set threshold value of the dose rate is exceeded, the device gives a sound and light signal, controls external devices (for example, door locking devices). Purpose: measurement of the ambient dose equivalent of gamma radiation (MAED); sound and light alarm about exceeding the set threshold; activation of external signaling or actuating devices.
Produced in: Moscow
Portable flow meter-sampler of gas-aerosol mixtures PVP-06
Portable flow meter-sampler of gas-aerosol mixtures PVP-06
Purpose measurement and control of the pumping speed and the total volume of the aerosol mixture pumped through the filters installed on the product during sampling in order to determine the content of aerosol pollutants in the air
Produced in: Moscow
BR ASKRO "Penguin": A fast-deployable radiation monitoring system
BR ASKRO "Penguin": A fast-deployable radiation monitoring system
The fast-deployable radiation monitoring system (BR ASKRO) is intended for the operational creation of a local autonomous automated network of portable radiation monitoring posts in places where radiation emergencies occur. The main purpose of the system being created is continuous radiation monitoring, on areas up to 1 km2, when performing work to localize accidents and eliminate their consequences to ensure the safe operation of personnel of emergency rescue units, as well as to monitor the effectiveness of the work performed.
Produced in: Moscow
ASKRO: Automated radiation monitoring system
ASKRO: Automated radiation monitoring system
The installations are designed for continuous monitoring of the radiation situation at specified points of radiation objects with data transmission via VHF radio frequency channel and/or GSM/GPRS network. Purpose: radiation monitoring of industrial sites of nuclear power plants and other radiation facilities (RCP); radiation monitoring of the environment of sanitary protection zones and observation zones (RCOS); creation of an automated system for monitoring the radiation situation (ASKRO) of territories, sanitary protection zones (SPZ) and monitoring zones (ZN) of radiation-hazardous objects; creation of situational crisis centers (SCC) of enterprises and regions.
Produced in: Moscow
Installation for measuring the volumetric activity of radioactive aerosols UDA-1AB
Installation for measuring the volumetric activity of radioactive aerosols UDA-1AB
Installation for continuous automatic monitoring of the concentration of radioactive aerosols in autonomous mode or as part of automatic radiation monitoring systems in the air of working rooms and ventilation systems. Purpose: measurement of the volumetric activity of alpha-emitting radionuclides and beta-emitting radionuclides contained in the form of aerosols in the air.
Produced in: Moscow
Flow meter-sampler of radioactive gas-aerosol mixtures "BREEZE"
Flow meter-sampler of radioactive gas-aerosol mixtures "BREEZE"
Appointment: continuous pumping of atmospheric air with a constant flow rate through a filter element based on Petryanova fabric. measurement of ionizing radiation parameters at a controlled point in accordance with the capabilities of the unit used.
Produced in: Moscow
BAS/BAS-1c Alarm Units
BAS/BAS-1c Alarm Units
Purpose: BAS: The unit is designed to provide light and sound signals under various conditions of controlled radiation conditions when connected to technical means that have a communication port with the unit (BOP, UDA-1AB, UDI-1B, UDG-1B, etc.). BAS-1c: The unit is designed to provide light and sound signals under various conditions of a controlled radiation environment, and operates under the control of an external device. The unit can be used in connection with individual technical means of radiation monitoring or as part of radiation monitoring systems and complexes, as well as with other compatible technical means that provide data exchange over communication lines organized on the basis of the RS-485 interface, using the DiBus exchange protocol (BOP-1M).
Produced in: Moscow
Alpha-beta radiometer for measuring small activities UMF-2000
Alpha-beta radiometer for measuring small activities UMF-2000
A low-background alpha-beta radiometer with a silicon detector, widely used for measuring small activities. It is recommended for measuring the total alpha and beta activity of natural and drinking waters, as well as for measuring the activity of alpha-emitting radionuclides by spectrometric method. Purpose: measurement of the total activity of alpha-emitting nuclides in "thick" and "thin" counting samples of environmental objects; measurement of the total activity of beta-emitting nuclides in counting samples of soil samples, water samples, air filters and samples obtained by selective radiochemical extraction; measurement of alpha activity of nuclides in counting samples obtained after radiochemical preparation by radiometric method (if available); measurement of alpha activity of nuclides in counting samples obtained after radiochemical preparation by the spectrometric method (if there are techniques and a set of spectrometric "UMF - Spectrum").
Produced in: Moscow
BOP-1c information processing and transmission units
BOP-1c information processing and transmission units
Purpose: processing of information received from detection units (primary converters); data transmission to the information network; data transfer to a portable computer (remote control tuning PN-PC); storage of threshold settings and parameters of detection units (primary converters); power supply and diagnostics of detection units (primary converters); output of threshold exceeding signals to built-in sound and LED alarms and to remote alarm units (BAS/BAS-1c); output of discrete signals (dry contacts); archiving of data in non-volatile memory.
Produced in: Moscow
Threshold detector of radioactive aerosols IRAA–01D
Threshold detector of radioactive aerosols IRAA–01D
Appointment: continuous measurement of the volumetric activity of radioactive aerosols caused by technogenic alpha-emitting nuclides; sound feed/light signaling in case the measured values of volumetric activity exceed the established threshold levels. Features: stationary placement in places where the air parameters of the working area are monitored; connection to a BN-01 type pump unit or other external sampling device; USB service interface for diagnostics, configuration, verification.
Produced in: Moscow