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Membrane nitrogen generators

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Membrane nitrogen generators
Saint Petersburg
A membrane nitrogen generator is a special equipment designed to produce gaseous nitrogen from atmospheric air by the method of membrane separation. The gas separation process proceeds due to the different penetration rates of the components of the gas mixture through the polymer membranes due to the differential partial pressures on both sides. During the separation of compressed air, impenetrable nitrogen passes along the entire length of the membrane module and enters the consumer, and oxygen, which has better permeability through the membrane, is discharged into the atmosphere as permeate. At the output, we get a gas mixture with a nitrogen content of up to 99.9%.

The main components of the membrane generator are: membrane modules placed on a support frame-base together with auxiliary components (valves, regulators), respectively connected to each other. The generator is equipped with an automatic control system to control the parameters of the gas mixture separation process.
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