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A set of devices for studying the properties of electromagnetic waves

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A set of devices for studying the properties of electromagnetic waves
The set of devices includes a microwave transmitter module, a microwave receiver module, a set of devices (metal reflecting screens, a refractive prism, an absorbing screen, etc.) to demonstrate the properties of electromagnetic waves (radiation, absorption, reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction).

Technical specifications:

The wavelength of the microwave transmitter is 3 – 4 cm;

The average value of the energy flux density emitted by the microwave transmitter meets the requirements of the SanPiN 2.4/ (no more than 10 MW/ sq. m.).

Receiver (transmitter) weight, not more than 0.3 kg

Overall dimensions of the receiver (transmitter) 172x25x77 mm

The microwave receiver module has a built-in interface for connecting to a personal computer and provides the ability to display the measured information on the PC screen.

The kit includes an electronic media with software (CD-ROM) to demonstrate the operation of the equipment on the monitor screen of a personal computer.
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