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Digital oscilloscope C8-43

It is designed to study periodic signals in the frequency band 0-50 MHz and single electrical signals by registering them in digital memory with a sampling frequency of up to 50 MHz, observing their shape on a liquid crystal display (LCD), measuring the amplitude and time parameters of the signal under study.


2 mV...10 V/div; 10 ns...100 s/del
ADC: 2 channels, 100 MHz, 8 bits, 64 KB/channel
Equivalent sampling rate of 10 GHz
Marker measurements U: ±2.5%,T: ±1.5%
Pre-start, averaging,filtering
Familiar management interface
High-quality, "live" image
Additional modes in the "MENU"
Low price
Screen 80x100 mm (CRT made in Holland)
Dimensions, weight: 120x300x380 mm, 7 kg
Power supply: ~220V, 80 VA
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