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Oscilloscope S1-167/2

Designed for the study of periodic electrical signals by visual observation and measurement of their amplitude and time parameters on the scale of the CRT screen in the frequency band 0 - 25 MHz with a built-in multimeter measuring voltage and DC power, the average square value of voltage and AC power, DC electrical resistance.

Technical specifications:

Vertical deviation
Number of channels 2
Bandwidth 0-25 MHz
Deviation coefficients 2 mV/div-10 V/div (step 1-2-5)
Installation error ± 3%
Rise time of PH <= 14 nsec
Input impedance 1 mOhm/23 pF, with divider 1:10-10 mOhm/12 pF
with open input <=110 V
with closed input <=110 V
with divider 1:10 <= 250 V

range U post. U AC: 1 mV–500 V
Error 0.1% (U post); 0.3% -1% (U perem. 40 Hz–100 kHz)
Range I post., I AC.: 1 mA–2 A
Error: 0.25% (I post.); 0.5% (I perem. 40 Hz–5 kHz)
R Range: 1 Ohm–1 mOhm
Error R: 0.2%
3.5-digit indicator
Automatic selection of limits.
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