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Universal calibrator H4-301/1

Technical specifications:

Voltage reproduction range Uk 200 mV 0.07 + 0.01
DC: from 50 MV to 600 V, Uk 2 V 0.05 + 0.005
sub-bands (UK) 200 MV; 2; 20; 200; 600 V Uk 20 V 0.05 + 0.005
Basic error, ± (% of U + % of Uk): Uk 200 V 0.07 + 0.01
Uk 600 V 0.1 + 0.02

Voltage reproduction range Uk 200 mV 0.2 + 0.05
AC: from 1 mV to 600 V, sv. 20 to 40 kHz 0.2 + 0.1
sub-bands (Uk) 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 600 V Uk 2; 20 V 0.15 + 0.02
Basic error, ± (% of U + % of Uk): from 20 Hz to 20 kHz 0.15 + 0.02
Uk 200 V; 600 V: 0.2 + 0.05
from 40 Hz to 1 kHz 0.2 + 0.05

DC power reproduction range: from 1 Ma to 200 mA,
sub-bands (Ic) 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA Ic 200 Ma 0.1 + 0.02
Basic error, ± (% of I + % of Ic): Ic 2; 20; 200mA 0.1 + 0.01

Power reproduction range
AC: from 10 Ma to 200 mA,
sub-ranges (Ic) 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA 0.15 + 0.05
Frequency range from 20 Hz to 1 k Hz
Basic error, ± (% of I + % of Ic):

USB interface
Operating temperature range from minus 10 to +50 C
Dimensions; weight 428×327×235× mm; 10 kg
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