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Stationary metrological laboratory

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Stationary metrological laboratory
The SML is a stationary object located in the existing production premises of the customer or new buildings built according to the project documentation.
The technical basis of the SML is made up of up to ten automated workstations (APM ST) for SI verification (calibration) and up to three workstations (RM ST) for diagnostics, adjustment and repair of SI.
The ARM ST includes software that allows you to perform SI verification according to a given algorithm and document the results.
All SML equipment is placed on standard basic load-bearing structures (BNC).
At present, design documentation has been developed and the production of automated control systems has been mastered for the complete set of SML of almost all types of radio and electrical measuring devices, pressure and vacuum SI, SI geometric quantities and other SI.
If necessary, the specialists of JSC "NPF "Techno-yaks" are ready to train specialists (ARM operators).
Terms and conditions of financing, development, manufacturing, installation, training of specialists are implemented on the basis of contractual relations with customers
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