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PM-8 verification module

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PM-8 verification module
The composition of the PM-8 verification module
Frequency comparator CHK7-1011;
Universal frequency meter Ch3-89;
AC voltage voltmeter VK3-78A;
Universal voltmeter V7-81;
AC voltage calibrator H5-5;
High-frequency signal generator G4-227;
High-frequency signal generator G4-229;
High-frequency signal generator G4-230;
Absorbed power wattmeter M3-108;
Installation for measuring attenuation D1-24/1;
Device for measuring attenuation stepwise D1-25;
Computational modulation meter SK3-49;
The meter-calibrator of the harmonic coefficient SK6-20;
Spectrum analyzer SK4-"Belan 240";
VSWR panoramic meter R2-135;
VSWR panoramic meter R2-137;
A set of exemplary measures of the transmission coefficient H3-7;
Oscilloscope S1-157/4;
DC power supply B5-79/1;
AC power source B2-7 (2 pcs.);
Electronic switch of microwave signals;
PC, printer;
Basic load-bearing structures (BNC).

Technical specifications

Measuring ranges of electrical quantities:
Constant electrical voltage from 3 MV to 1000 V
Alternating electric voltage in the frequency range of 10 Hz ... 2000 MHz from 10 mV to 100 V
Frequency of continuous electromagnetic oscillations from 0.001 Hz to 17.85 GHz
The power of continuous electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of 20 MHz ... 17.85 GHz from 0.8 to 10 MW
Attenuation of electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range 0.1 MHz ... 17.85 GHz from 0 to120 dB
VSWR in the frequency range 0.2 ... 17.85 GHz from 1.03 to 2
Harmonic coefficient in the frequency range of 10 Hz ... 8 GHz from 0.005 to 100 %
The amplitude modulation coefficient in the carrier frequency range of 100 kHz ... 17.85 GHz from 0.1 to 100 %
Frequency deviation in the carrier frequency range of 100 kHz ... 17.85 GHz from 5 Hz to 1 MHz
Phase modulation index in the carrier frequency range 100 kHz ... 17.85 GHz from 1 to 100 radians
Phase shift between two harmonic signals in the frequency range 0.1 MHz ... 17.85 GHz from 0 to 360o
Ranges of reproduction of electrical quantities:
Alternating electrical voltage in the frequency range of 10 Hz ... 2000 MHz from 3 MV to 3 V
Harmonic (sinusoidal) signal at a load of 50 ohms in the frequency range of 0.001 Hz ... 30 MHz from 0.01 to 5 V
Continuous electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of 9 kHz ... 17.85 GHz from minus 120 to 13 dBm
5 and 10 MHz reference frequency signal
Attenuation of electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range 0 ... 3 GHz from 0 to 86 dB
Measurement errors of electrical quantities:
Constant electrical voltage ± (0.0025 ... 16.7) %
Alternating electric voltage in the frequency range 10 Hz ... 2000 MHz ± (0.2 ... 16) %
Frequency of continuous electromagnetic oscillations ± (2·10-7 ... 4·10-3)
Power of continuous electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range 20 MHz ... 17.85 GHz ± (4 ... 6) %
Attenuation of electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range 0.1 MHz ... 17.85 GHz ± (0.01 ... 1.2) dB
VSWR in the frequency range 0.2 ... 17.85 GHz ± (3 ... 5) K
Harmonic coefficient in the frequency range 10 Hz ... 8 GHz ± (0.005 ... 6) %
Amplitude modulation coefficient in the carrier frequency range 100 kHz ... 17.85 GHz ± (0.1 ... 9) %
Frequency deviation in the carrier frequency range 100 kHz ... 17.85 GHz ± (0.2 ... 80) Hz
Phase modulation index in the carrier frequency range 100 kHz ... 17.85 GHz ± (0.02 ... 5) radians
Phase shift between two harmonic signals in the frequency range 0.1 MHz ... 17.85 GHz ± (0.01 ... 0.08) o
Errors in the reproduction of electrical quantities:
Alternating electrical voltage in the frequency range 10 Hz ... 2000 MHz ± (0.16 ... 10) %
Harmonic (sinusoidal) signal at a load of 50 ohms in the frequency range 0.001 Hz ... 30 MHz ± (3 ... 5) %;
Continuous electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range of 9 kHz ... 17.85 GHz ± (0.5 ... 3) dB
5 and 10 MHz reference frequency signal ± (2·10-11 – 2,4·10-10)
Attenuation of electromagnetic oscillations in the frequency range 0 ... 3 GHz ± (0.2 ... 1.4) dB
General technical characteristics:
The area occupied by the module is 6-12 m2
Weight, not more than 550 kg
Power supply voltage from 198 to 242 V with a frequency of (50 ± 0.5) Hz
Power consumption, no more than 3000 VA
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