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Spectrum Analyzer SK4-105

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Spectrum Analyzer SK4-105
The spectrum analyzer is capable of working both independently and as part of automated measuring systems with USB and ETHERNET interfaces.

Technical specifications

Frequency range from 9 kHz to 20 GHz
The basic error of frequency measurement is ± (3-10'7hG + 0.2 Hz)
Viewing bands 0; 10 Hz - 20 GHz
Bandwidth minus 3 dB from 1 Hz to 8 MHz
Self-noise level from minus 156 to 145 dB MW/Hz
The basic level measurement error is ± (1.2-1.8) dB
The relative level of interference caused by intermodulation distortions of the 3rd order from minus 50 to 65 dB
The relative level of interference caused by combination distortions from minus 60 to 80 dB
Amplitude scales linear, quadratic, logarithmic (0.1- 20) dB/div
The frequency range of the tracking generator is from 1 MHz to 8 GHz
Operating temperature range from 5 to 40 °C
AC power supply 220 V, 50 Hz
Power consumption, no more than 85 VA
Overall dimensions, mm 420x213x172
Weight, not more than 8 kg
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