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High-frequency signal generator G4-227

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High-frequency signal generator G4-227
The generator is capable of operating both independently and as part of automated measuring systems with USB and IEEE-488 (CPC) interfaces.

Technical specifications

Frequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz
Frequency tuning discreteness of 1 Hz
The main error of the frequency setting is ± 3x10-7 Hz
The range of setting the output signal power level at the main output is from minus 10 to 13 dBm
The basic error of setting the reference power level is ± (0.5 – 1.0) dB
Instability of the output signal power level for any 15-minute time interval of no more than 0.1 dB
Metrological characteristics of the generator in the FM operation mode:
- frequency range of the modulating signal from 1 to 100 kHz
- frequency deviation setting range (taking into account the carrier frequency value) from 12.5 to 4000 kHz
- the main error of the frequency deviation setting is ± (20 – 25)%
Metrological characteristics of the generator in AM operation mode:
- frequency range of the modulating signal from 0.05 to 5.0 kHz
- the range of setting the amplitude modulation coefficient from 1 to 100 %
- the basic error of setting the amplitude modulation coefficient ± (0.25 M + 0.2)%
Metrological characteristics of the generator in the IM operation mode:
- the duration range of modulating pulses from 300 ns to 20 s
- the range of the modulating pulse repetition period from 340 ns to 30 s
- the difference in the duration of the output RF pulses from the duration of the modulating pulses ± 200 ns
Operating temperature range from minus 10 to 40 °C
AC power supply 220 V, 50 Hz
Power consumption, not more than 100 VA
Overall dimensions, mm 498x136x487
Weight, not more than 13 kg
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