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Universal frequency meter Ch3-86A

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Universal frequency meter Ch3-86A
The frequency meter is capable of operating both independently and as part of automated measuring systems with an interface such as USB, RS-232 or IEEE-488 (CPC).
Technical specifications

Frequency and period of sinusoidal and video pulse signals (input A) 0.005 Hz - 100 MHz
Frequency of sinusoidal and video pulse signals (input to) 0.01 Hz - 100 MHz
Frequency of continuous sinusoidal oscillations (input C) (0.1 - 1) GHz
Frequency of continuous sinusoidal oscillations (input D) (0.6 - 17.85) GHz
Pulse duration 10 ns - 10000 s
The duration of the front, the decay of the pulses is 5 ns - 100 microseconds
Time interval from 0 to 10000 s
The frequency ratio of the two signals is up to 109
The average value of the carrier frequency of the pulse-modulated (IM) signal (input D) (0.6 - 17.85) GHz
Frequency measurement resolution 2x10-10 s/Rng
Phase difference of two synchronous sinusoidal signals from minus 180° to 180°
Measurement error of the phase difference of two synchronous sinusoidal signals ± 0.36° (from 1 kHz to 1 MHz)±3.6° (above 1 MHz)
Input signal level:
•for sinusoidal signal (inputs A, B) (0.03 - 7.0) V
•for video pulse signal (inputs A, B) (0.1 - 10.0) V
•for a sinusoidal signal (input C) (0.03 - 1.0) V
•for sinusoidal and IM signals (input D) 30 MW - 5 MW
Input resistance
•Inputs A, B (50±2.5) ohms; (1±0.1) MOm/100 pF
•inputs C, D (50±2.5) ohms
Nominal frequency value of the reference quartz oscillator 10 MHz
Relative error in the frequency of the quartz oscillator, no more than ± 2x10-7 in 12 months
Operating temperature range from minus 10 to 50 °C
AC power supply 220 V, 50 Hz; 220 V, 400 Hz
Power consumption, no more than 50 VA
Overall dimensions, mm 229x136x435.5
Weight, not more than 7.5 kg
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