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The ultimate display quality is ensured by the use of built-in acoustic and vibration isolation, thermal stabilization, the industry's best sensitivity of the optical recording system and the unique design of the scanning probe system, which allows achieving atomic resolution in routine measurements.

In the basic configuration, 50+ AFM techniques are available, including the HybriD method, which allows conducting all cutting-edge nanomechanical, electrical and magnetic studies.

Intelligent ScanTronic™ algorithm for one-click optimization of scanning parameters, which allows for perfect relief measurements using the amplitude-modulation method, regardless of the operator's experience.

Automated examination of multiple samples using a simple user interface to create a point-by-point scanning scenario and a database for stored received images.

Control of samples with dimensions up to 200×200 mm and thickness up to 40 mm at any point of the surface with a positioning accuracy of 1 micron.

Wide customization possibilities: installation of additional optical equipment, development of specialized sample holders, combination with a transport system, automation of measurements and data analysis in accordance with customer requirements.
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