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2NVBM-630/18000 Booster high vacuum pump

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2NVBM-630/18000 Booster high vacuum pump
The 2NVBM-630(R)/18000 pump is designed for pumping out of sealed volumes of air, gases, vapors and vapor-gas mixtures that are non-aggressive to the materials of the structure and the working fluid of the pump in the range of inlet pressures from 13.3 to 6.6x10-2 Pa (from 1x10-1 to 5x10-4 mmHg.) and do not contain droplet moisture and mechanical impurities.
The 2NVBM-630(R)/18000 pump is used in conjunction with pre-vacuum pumps as part of technological installations or systems in stationary conditions. The type of climatic version of UHL4 and O4 (i.e. for moderate and cold climate) according to GOST standard 15150-69, but it is intended for operation at ambient temperature from plus 10°C to plus 35°C for UHL4 and from plus 10°C to plus 45°C for O4, at cooling water temperature from plus 10°C to plus 20°C.
The 2NVBM-630(R)/18000 pump is not intended for use in fire dangerous and explosive industries.
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