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2NVBM-500/12000 Booster High Vacuum Pump

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2NVBM-500/12000 Booster High Vacuum Pump
The 2NVBM-500/12000 booster pump consists of housings, a steam pipe, a trap and a heater. The required effective speed of action of the pre-vacuum pump (pumps) at a pressure of 200 Pa (1.5 mm Hg) at the outlet of the booster pump is not less than 100 l/s. The maximum residual pressure of the 2NVBM-500/12000 pump measured by the PMI-2 manometric ionization converter with nitrogen filled into its trap, is no more than 6.6 × 10-4Pa (5 × 10-6 mm Hg). The pressure of the cooling water at the inlet to the pump 2NVBM-500/12000 should be from 0.2 to 0.5 MPa (from 2 to 5 kgf / cm2). The discharge from the pump should be free with a jet break. Cooling water consumption 1200 l/h.
The total amount of working fluid for the 2NVBM-500/12000 pump is 65 liters, the level of working fluid should be between the upper and lower marks of the level gauge. Replacement or refilling of the working fluid depends on the operating mode of the pump (inlet pressure, pumping duration, etc.) and the composition of the pumped medium, so the time after which the working fluid is replaced or refilled can be 100 hours or more. A large flow rate of the working fluid is observed when the pump is operating in the input pressure range from 1.33 to 13.3 Pa (from 1 · 10-2 to 1 · 10-1 mm Hg). The operating mode of the pump in the range from 13.3 Pa (0.1 mmHg) to the maximum residual pressure is cyclically irregular.
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