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NVDM-100 High-vacuum Diffusion Pump

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NVDM-100 High-vacuum Diffusion Pump
The operation of the NVDM-100 diffusion pump is based on the capture and transfer of the pumped gas by a steam jet flowing from the slit gaps of the steam line nozzles towards the outlet flange. The oil reflector of the NVDM-100 diffusion pump is a cap with a cooling tube soldered onto it with fittings. The open heater of the NVDM-100 diffusion pump is a metal housing with a ceramic base laid in it with a heating element made in the form of a spiral of nichrome wire.
During the operation of the pump, it is necessary to monitor the flow rate and temperature of the cooling water, the level of the working fluid and its temperature. Replacement or refilling of the working fluid depends on the operating mode of the pump (inlet pressure, pumping duration, etc.) and the composition of the pumped medium. Therefore, the time after which the working fluid is replaced or refilled can be from 100 to 1000 or more hours. A large flow rate of the working fluid is observed when the pump is operating in the range of inlet pressures from 6.6×10-2 to 13.3 Pa (from 5×10-4 to 1×10-1 mm Hg).
Water at the inlet to the cooling systems of the housing and oil reflector should be supplied with a pressure of no more than 0.5 MPa (5 kgf / cm2) and temperature from plus 4˚C to plus 25˚C. The recommended cooling water consumption is 35+5 l/h and is regulated by the outlet water temperature, which should not exceed plus 40˚C. The water drain should be free (with a jet break). Not allowed: operation of the pump without water cooling, exceeding the maximum exhaust pressure of 35 Pa (0.263 mm Hg). The level of the working fluid during operation, at which the parameters of the NVDM-100 diffusion pump are provided, must correspond to min 7mm, max 11mm. The volume of the filled working fluid is 0.07/
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