Metrological high-voltage laboratory of TECHNOAS
For primary and periodic verification and calibration at the field of operation of the following measuring instruments that are part of automated information and measurement systems for commercial accounting of electrical energy (AIIS KUE) or non-automated metering units:
• – Measuring voltage transformers (TN) of accuracy classes 0.2 and less accurate at loads normalized by GOST, and at real loads at the metering unit.
• – Measuring current transformers (TT) of accuracy classes 0.2S and less accurate with nominal primary currents of 100...5000 A (including high-voltage transformers for 330 kV lines) at loads standardized by GOST 7746-2001 and at real loads; single-phase and three-phase electric active and reactive energy meters of accuracy classes 0.2S and less accurate.
• – Auxiliary SI: ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, voltage, current and power converters, accuracy classes 0.2 and less accurate, phase meters, power factor meters of accuracy classes from 0.10 and less accurate.
• – Energy frequency meters of accuracy classes from 0.02 and less accurate, used at the electricity metering unit.
• – For measuring the load capacity of TN iTT.
• – For measuring voltage losses in secondary TN circuits.
– For measuring the quality of electrical energy (PCE) in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13109-97.
Produced in: Kolomna, Moscow region