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Mobile laboratory NEURONET TECHNOAS 4 based on Gazelle Next

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Mobile laboratory NEURONET TECHNOAS 4 based on Gazelle Next
Purpose of the NEURONET TECHNOAS 4 Laboratory
• – Universal educational complex of modern educational technologies;
• – Mobile remote and educational office for the working coherence of the subjects of activity.

The use of the NEURONET TECHNOAS 4 laboratory
• – Hardware and software complex based on multifunctional neuro-modular systems of electroencephalographs-recorders "Encephalan-EEGR-19/26";
• – Improving the productivity and profitability of the work of teams with physio-psychological diagnostics and correction, with machine neuro-training on biofeedback;
• – Biophysical individual adjustment of the central nervous system;
• – Conscious development of new reflexive meaningful states, rapid assimilation of new knowledge, skills, skills and actions;
• – Reduction of dangerous influences of the human factor in responsible professions (aviation and others);
• – Improving the effectiveness of educational programs for special education, retraining and advanced training.

NEURONET TECHNOAS 4 Laboratory Support System
• – MKZ safety control module;
• – Mass switches in all compartments;
• – Smart Home system, continuous monitoring of all life support systems with video recording;
• – Audible alarm;
• – Light alarm;
• – An autonomous power source from batteries with a 12/220 V voltage converter;
• – 12 V - 220 V sockets;
• – Hardware and software complex of neuro-modular systems of electroencephalographs-recorders "Encephalan-EEGR-19/26";
• – Hardware and software complexes of modern educational technologies integrated with the Central Control Unit (central control unit).

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