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2NVR-5DG Vacuum pump

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2NVR-5DG Vacuum pump
The 2NVR-5DG UM4 pump is manufactured in the climatic version of UM 4 (i.e. for moderate climate) according to GOST standard 15150-69, but to be used at ambient temperature and pumped medium 283 K to 308 K (+10˚C to +35˚C). Electricity grid must meet the requrimemnts of GOST 13109-97. The 2NVR-5DG vacuum rotary vane pump meets the requirements of technical specifications TU 3648-006-00218526-2002.
The 2NVR-5DG pump is refueled with VACMA OIL 100 working fluid. Monitoring of the level of the working fluid is ensured by the oil indicator, replenishment is neede when the level of the working fluid is below the minimum level of the oil indicator.
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