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70 products
The water treatment system (hereinafter referred to as the system) is used for the preparation of water used in hydrogen generators, for the preparation of solutions, chromatographic samples, capillary electrophoresis, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), etc. analyzers requiring the use of high purity water. The system is connected directly to the municipal water supply line and allows obtaining high–purity deionized water with a specific electrical conductivity of 0.06 - 0.1 mcm/cm. The device uses multi-stage water purification. Technical specifications System output capacity, l/h not less than 6 Specific electrical conductivity of water, mcm/cm not more than 0.06 – 0.1 Power supply - single-phase AC 220V, 50/60 Hz Maximum power consumption, kW 0.1 Dimensions (W x D x H), mm 200 x 560 x 440 Weight, not more than 20 kg
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
Flame Photometric(FD)
Flame Photometric(FD)
Selective detector for phosphorus and organosulphide compounds. It is used mainly for the analysis of sulfur-containing substances (hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, thiophenes, etc.). The sensitivity for sulfur reaches 0.1. ppm. In addition, PFD has sufficient sensitivity and selectivity to compounds containing nitrogen, boron, tin, chromium, selenium, germanium, as well as CO, POPS, MgOx, $02, Ma, NOT C52. The selectivity of 5-containing compounds to hydrocarbons is 105. Technical characteristic: 8,0*10-13 g5/s by sulfur 1.0*10`13 g/s for phosphorus
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
The Meta-chrome digital gas flow meter is designed to maintain a given pressure and the ratio of the amount of gases (in the flow mode) or gas flow (in the intake mode) in vacuum installations with automatic and manual control. technical specifications The number of control channels is 2 (or more on request). The maximum flow rate for each of the channels is 700 cm3/min. The possibility of using gas correction coefficients, the most commonly used gases are listed in the leaker database. The accuracy of maintaining a given proportion of gases is 5%. The accuracy of maintaining the specified gas flow rates is 3%. Input pressures from 1 to 4 atm. Electric power supply from a single—phase AC network with voltage from 187 to 242 V, frequency (50 ± 1) Hz, operating mode - continuous. Power consumption (without a personal computer), no more than — 30 VA. Overall dimensions (width × depth × height), no more than 165×350×215 mm. Weight, not more than 5.5 kg.
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
The metering valve for the introduction of gas samples is designed for the introduction of gas under excessive pressure into the chromatograph. Cranes differ in the number of moves (4, 6, 8, 10, 12) and have two provisions "Selection" — "Analysis". In addition to dosing, cranes can be used to switch chromatographic columns, elements of gas circuits, etc. The tap can be installed either on the side panel of the chromatograph, or directly into the analytical module instead of, or together with the evaporator of the chromatograph, while it is used as a back-purge tap or for hot sample entry. Additionally, the tap for hot entry can be equipped with heated pipelines. technical specifications The dose volume is from 0.25 to 5.0 ml (at the request of the consumer, the dose volume can be increased to 10 ml and reduced to 0.1 ml). The maximum temperature of the tap is no more than 160 °C. The pressure in the crane line is not more than 0.48 MPa. The angle of rotation of the crane handle — depending on the number of strokes.
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
The dispenser "DAZH 4000" is designed for automatic insertion of liquid samples into the evaporator of the gas chromatograph, provides: control from the software, setting variable parameters of algorithms for washing and sample entry, storing the operating parameters of the dispenser in the method. Technical characteristics: The number of vials in the carousel, pcs up to 30 The volume of installed vials, ml 0.1-2ml Number of injections from one vial 1-99 Replaceable syringes in volume, ml 10, 100, 250, 500 The volume of the injected sample, ml : from 0.01 to 500 The discreteness of setting the sample volume, µl: from 0.01 to 1 Sampling and insertion rate, µl/s: from 0.01 to 5000 The speed of needle insertion into the evaporator, discret 3 Immersion depth in the vial and evaporator, variable up to the length of the syringe needle, mm 1 – 99 The discreteness of the dive depth setting, mm 0,1 The number of pumping during sampling 0-15 Number of solvent washes 0-15 Needle exposure time in the evaporator, sec 0-99 The discreteness of setting the needle shutter speed, sec 1,0 Sample input modes Simple insertion, Sandwich, Solvent sandwich, Sandwich with internal standard Flushing mode From the vial Supply voltage, V (frequency, Hz) 220 (50) Power consumption, W 154 Weight, kg, no more 2,9 Overall dimensions, mm 175x270x420 Communication with the computer Ethernet
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
Photoionization (PID)
Photoionization (PID)
Partially universal detector. It is used for the analysis of most organic compounds, including aromatic and aliphatic (except methane) hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds, phenols, phthalates, pesticides, amines, ketones, aldehydes, esters, mercaptans. It does not register compounds whose ionization threshold is higher than 10.2 eV (for example, acetonitrile, methanol). Technical characteristic: 5.0*10`13 g/s for benzene
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
The device is designed to extract target organic substances from liquid and solid samples. Implements the latest method of sample preparation in chemical analysis - extraction freezing with centrifugation of EVCB (Patents of the Russian Federation RU2303476/2007, RU2564999/2015, Patent of the Kyrgyz Republic KG388/2020, International Application PCT/RU2015/000615). Scope of application - hydrochemistry, chemical and toxicological analysis, biochemistry, food research, etc. technical specifications The temperature range of extraction freezing with centrifugation is from -(minus) 28 to +25 °C. Rotor speed with the possibility of programming the mode 100-8000 rpm Separation factor up to 6600 g Cryoextractor power supply from AC 220 V, 50 Hz Power consumption, not more than 0.3 kW The mass of the cryoextractor is not more than 50 kg Overall dimensions (HxWxD), mmxmmxmm no more than 900x600x600 Number of simultaneously extracted samples (individually on request)
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
The Geyser –2A measuring and computing complex is designed to determine the dynamic characteristics and energy efficiency (caloric content) of various substances, including special products (gunpowder, explosives). The device also allows you to determine the chemical resistance of substances by the delay of the ignition time. The analysis is carried out in a given volume in the isothermal mode or in the temperature programming mode. technical specifications Operating temperature range in the reactor, from +50 to +600 ° C. The programming speed of the thermostat temperature in the operating temperature range, no more than 10 ° C. The limit of the permissible absolute error of setting the temperature of temperature control, no more than ± 2 ° C. Instability of maintaining the set temperature in the thermostat for 10 minutes, no more than ± 0.1 ° C. Sampling rate of the optical recording system, at least 25kHz The range of measurement of the ignition delay time in the isothermal mode, from 0 to 600 seconds. The measurement range of dynamic characteristics in the temperature programming mode, from 0 to 3600 sec. The continuous operation time of the device is at least 24 hours. The time for the device to enter the mode from the moment it is turned on, no more than 0.2 hours. The device is powered by AC 220V,+10/-15%,(50±1) Hz. The power consumption of the device, no more than 200 watts. The weight of the device without packaging, no more than 7 kg. Overall dimensions (width × depth × height), no more than 330×265×170 mm.
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
The TDS-3 includes a heating column with a sorption tube, which is installed on the evaporator of the chromatograph and a control unit located on a special bracket on the right side panel of the chromatograph Technical characteristics of TDS-3 Desorption temperature (column heating), 0C to 400 Heating speed, 0C/min at least 500 The cooling time when moving to a cold zone is no more than 10 seconds. Cooling time from 300 0C to 50 0C, min. no more than 10 Continuous operation mode Power consumption, W not more than 250 Dimensions of the sorption tube, (Ø, length), mm. Material glass, stainless steel 5/110, 5/114, 6/115, 6.35/89 Electric power supply from 187 to 242 V, 50 Hz. The display of the measured temperature and the setting of the temperature on the display is The discreteness of setting the desorption temperature, 0C 0.1
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
The unit is designed for testing fresh catalysts, deactivated in laboratory conditions and equilibrium (used in industry). The volume of the loaded catalyst is from 5 to 12 grams, the loading of raw materials (vacuum gas oil) is 1-3 grams. Conradson coking capacity should not exceed 10%. After cracking, the degree of coking of the catalyst is determined directly at the installation. Liquid and gaseous cracking products are analyzed by three gas chromatographs with automatic dispensers, which makes it possible to determine the degree of conversion and selectivity of the catalyst.
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
The hydrogen generator is equipped with its own microprocessor, with which you can control the operating modes of the device. It is microprocessor control that determines the autonomy of the device. Moreover, this allows you to control the basic and technical parameters of the device (pressure, flow rate, level of water poured into the tank, tightness of gas lines, electrolyzer current). For the manufacture of gas lines, exclusively inert materials are used. Technical specifications:

The device is equipped with a four-button keyboard, which is used to set parameters and control. The generator can operate in continuous mode for a long time. For refueling, especially pure or double-distilled water is used, and refueling can be done without turning off the device, on the go. Their advantage is that they significantly reduce, or even completely eliminate, the use of bottled gases to power chromatographs and gas analyzers. For nutrition, mainly double-distilled water is used, the quality of which must be no lower than grade B water according to OST 11.029.003–80, and the electrical resistivity must be no less than 1 Mohm x cm.

The devices operate from a single-phase AC electrical network with voltage from 187 to 242 W, frequency (50±1) Hz. Maximum safety of devices is achieved due to the absence of such a supply of substance in them, which could fill a chromatograph or laboratory in a short period of time. The performance of the device eliminates the occurrence of explosive situations, so the generator is considered safe to use.
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El
High-pressure syringe pump (NSHVD-1) with a continuous highly stable fluid flow in a wide flow range of 0.01-10ml/min. with the functions of introducing a correction factor after calibration, setting the volume or pumping time, displaying the amount of pumped, temporary suspension of pumping with automatic resumption, the ability to adjust the flow and volume of the pumped liquid during operation without stops, automatic shut-off of the pump when the set maximum pressure is exceeded, remote control, compensation for changes in the mass flow rate of the liquid pumped by the pump when its temperature changes. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Flow range, ml/min 0.01 - 10 Dosing error, % 0.2 The discreteness of the task, % 0.01 Maximum working pressure, 12 bar Lifting height of the suction fluid, m2 Accuracy of pressure measurement, % 0.2 The maximum liquid temperature is 60 °C Modbus RTU communication interface Power supply AC 220 V, 50 Hz Dimensions: W x D x H, mm 140 x 335 x 270 Materials in contact with the pumped liquid glass, fluoroplast, stainless steel 316 L
Produced in: Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El