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Structurally, waveguide LPF 37-78 GHz are made on metal plates located in the center of the E-plane of the waveguide.
These LFS can be used in conjunction with waveguide bandpass filters to increase the suppression of spurious signals and expand the upper band of the barrier.
Basic properties
Low bandwidth losses;
A wide barrage strip.
Operating conditions
Operating temperature range from minus 10
up to 50 ° C;
The relative humidity of the air is up to 98% at a temperature of 25 ° C.

Technical specifications

Waveguide cross section, mm 3.6×1.8
Bandwidth Fh-Fb at the level of -1 dB, GHz 60-78
The barrier band at the level of -30 dB, GHz 85-120
Bandwidth loss, 0.5-1.2 dB
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