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Vacuum firing furnace SNVS-400/7,0

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Vacuum firing furnace SNVS-400/7,0
The vacuum furnace of the mine type SNVS-400/7.0 with top loading and pneumatic lid opening is designed for firing copper and other materials at temperatures up to 700 ° C and high vacuum up to -5 ·10-4 (6.67·10-5) mmHg (kPa).
A technological platform with a ladder is provided for convenient operator access to the furnace.
The mechanism of opening / closing the lid is provided by two pneumatic cylinders with pneumatic locks in the air line.
A lifting platform is provided for loading coils into the furnace using an electric hoist. The design consists of a traverse, a stainless steel pipe and a perforated disc with a hook for suspension.
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