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Rubidium frequency and time standards H1-1011

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Rubidium frequency and time standards H1-1011
The modular construction principle makes it easy to adapt the devices to the specific requirements of the consumer. The standards are available in four versions – H1-1011, H1-1011/1, H1-1011/2 and H1-1011/3, which differ in metrological characteristics and a set of installed devices (modules). The built-in diagnostic system allows you to quickly determine the operability and condition of the main devices of the standards.
On the front panel of the devices H1-1011 and H1-1011/2 there is an LCD display and a control panel, with which you can quickly receive information about the current parameters of the devices included in the devices and adjust the frequency of the output signals.
The H1-1011 and H1-1011/2 standards can receive chronometric information from GLONASS and GPS satellite radio navigation systems and use it to synchronize the local time scale and automatically adjust the actual frequency value of the built-in highly stable rubidium frequency standard.
The composition of the standards H1-1011 and H1-1011/2 includes:
rubidium frequency standard H1-1014;
MPR-01 satellite radio navigation systems receiver module;
amplifier module for highly stable sinusoidal signals (at the customer's choice):
MUS-01 (3 independent outputs 10 MHz, connector type SR-50-73FV);
MUS-02 (3 independent outputs of 5 MHz, connector type SR-50-73FV);
MUS-03 (3 independent outputs of 1, 5 and 10 MHz, connector type SR-50-73FV);
MUS-04 (6 independent outputs of 1, 5 and 10 MHz in any combination at the customer's choice, SMA connector type);
MS synthesizer module with software (SMA connector type) instead of an amplifier module (at the customer's request).
The scope of delivery (at the request of the customer) includes an antenna for the SRNS receiver as part of:
antenna unit;
mounting device;
antenna cable (maximum length 60 m).
The H1-1011/1 and H1-1011/3 standards include:
the rubidium frequency standard H1-1013;
two modules of amplifiers of highly stable sinusoidal signals (at the customer's choice):
MUS-01 (3 independent outputs 10 MHz, connector type SR-50-73FV);
MUS-02 (3 independent outputs of 5 MHz, connector type SR-50-73FV);
MUS-03 (3 independent outputs of 1, 5 and 10 MHz, connector type SR-50-73FV);
MUS-04 (6 independent outputs of 1, 5 and 10 MHz in any combination at the customer's choice, SMA connector type);
MS synthesizer module with software (SMA connector type) instead of an amplifier module (at the customer's request).
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