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Optical imaging system for fluorescence and luminescence in LumoTrace® biological samples: LumoTrace® Lite model (bioluminescence)

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Optical imaging system for fluorescence and luminescence in LumoTrace® biological samples: LumoTrace® Lite model (bioluminescence)
The lowest cost and most compact version of the LumoTrace® Optical Imaging System manufactured by Abisens LLC for sensitive bioluminescence detection.
The compactness and low price of the LumoTrace®Lite imaging system are due to the fact that it allows only bioluminescence to be recorded (older models, in addition to bioluminescence, allow fluorescence to be recorded, and are also modular, which provides them with the opportunity to upgrade). Despite its compactness and relatively low price, this model is equipped with a new highly sensitive digital camera HICMOS manufactured by Abisens LLC, which allows recording ultra-small amounts of phosphor both in laboratory animals in vivo and in vitro experiments.
The device is an indispensable tool for conducting preclinical studies on the way to the introduction of advanced drugs, in the implementation of non-invasive monitoring of the development of socially significant diseases, monitoring the effectiveness of immuno- and gene therapy,
Foreign analogues
NeoScience Lumi i In Vivo fluorescent imaging system
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