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CFx-x10 neoptic closed cycle cryostat by Cryopribor

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CFx-x10 neoptic closed cycle cryostat by Cryopribor
The sample is kept in a vacuum. The closed cycle of work allows to refuse completely liquid refrigerants (nitrogen and helium). Of the additional equipment for the operation of the cryostat, only a temperature controller and a vacuum pump (vane-rotary or spiral, or turbomolecular pumping station) are required. This cryostat model does not have any means of vibration suppression - they are transferred to the sample directly from the cryocooler, and depending on the model used, the approximate value of vibrations on the sample is from 20 to 200 microns. Applications: – Electrical and magnetic experiments; – Thermal, electrical and magnetic susceptibility; – heat capacity; – DLTS (deep level transient spectroscopy, deep level spectroscopy); – Observation of the Seebeck effect.
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