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Oxygen meter MARK® 302 M

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Oxygen meter MARK® 302 M
Nizhny Novgorod
The sensor is designed specifically for BOD measurement according to the PNF F method 14.1:2:3:4.123-97. Convenience and accuracy of measurement |
Automatic temperature and barocompensation.
Automatic air oxygen calibration.
Three measurement modes |
KRK, mg/dm3.
KRK, % saturation. Temperature, °C.
Easy calibration by air |
Minimum maintenance |
Replacement of the membrane no more than once a year.
Storage of the sensor in the air.
Long-lasting sensor |
The service life of the sensor is at least 10 years.
High contrast LCD indicator |
Low power consumption |
Up to 2000 hours of continuous operation from a set of AA type elements.
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