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40 products
FT-801 IR Fourier spectrometer
FT-801 IR Fourier spectrometer
It is designed for recording absorption spectra of solid, liquid and gaseous substances in the near and middle IR region (including drugs, lacquers and paints, petroleum products, explosives, pharmacological preparations, polymer films and fibers) with their subsequent identification, as well as for qualitative and quantitative analysis of mixtures containing several components.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Two-jet arc plasmatron "Torch"
Two-jet arc plasmatron "Torch"
The plasmatron is designed for direct atomic emission spectral analysis of powder samples. The excitation of atoms occurs in a DC argon arc plasma. Weak matrix effects and low detection limits make it possible to use this excitation source for the analysis of various samples, both with mineral and organic matrix.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
X-ray fluorescence wavelength dispersive flowstream pulp, suspension and solution analyzer AR-35
X-ray fluorescence wavelength dispersive flowstream pulp, suspension and solution analyzer AR-35
The AP-35 analyzer is a fully automated analytical complex designed for continuous X-ray fluorescence analysis of the chemical composition of slurries and solutions in flow. The instrument has a movable software-controlled measuring head with an X-ray tube and fixed spectrometric channels (up to 8), each of which can be set up for any chemical element (from Ca to U). In operation, up to 15 flow cells are measured by the head according to a preset program. Multi channel capability (up to 15 products to be measured). Compatibility with automation systems for sampling, sample delivery, data handling and presentation, data archiving. Link to factory process control system High expressiveness, high analytical precision, low detection limits, reproducibility High reliability. The principle of operation is based on the excited fluorescence produced by the atoms of the material under analysis through the radiation of an X-ray tube. The fluorescence radiation of a particular chemical element is picked up by the crystal analyzer, and then the radiation at a specific wavelength is detected by an X-ray tube detector. The intensity of the recorded fluorescence radiation of a certain wavelength is directly proportional to the mass fraction of the chemical element in the substance under study.
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Intelligent spectrometric type detection unit AT1320V: The possibility of radiation monitoring of mushrooms and berries in a 10-liter container box in 20 seconds AT1320S: During the measurements, a preliminary analysis of the radionuclide composition of the sample is carried out. The activity is calculated based on the results of identification of radionuclides present in the controlled sample Methodological support of measurements
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
The best one in its class 20 hours of continuous operation Automatic simultaneous gamma-neutron radiation scanning with identification of radionuclides Permanent recording of GPS-linked scan data for subsequent analysis The possibility of expanding the measurement range of the ambient dose equivalent power to 10 Sv/h Software application "GARM" for expert data processing and analysis and radiation mapping The possibility of placing the spectrometer in a shockproof case (on request).
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Atomic absorption spectrometer "MGA-1000"
Atomic absorption spectrometer "MGA-1000"
1 supp.
Technical specifications: Operating spectral range, nm from 190 to 900 Spectral resolution, nm, no more: - in the range from 190 to 600 nm inclusive - in the range over 600 to 900 nm inclusive 2 3 Limit of detection of manganese, pg, no more than 3 Nickel detection limit, pg, no more than 20 The time of setting the operating mode of the spectrometers, min, no more than 15 The time of continuous operation of the spectrometers, h, no less than 8 The spectrometers are powered by a three-phase alternating current network: - rated supply voltage, V - frequency, Hz 380 (50 ±1) Overall dimensions of the spectrometer, mm, no more than 800 x 475 x 310 Mass of the spectrometer, kg, no more than 50 Power consumed by spectrometers, kV * A, no more: - in standby modes and settings of analytical parameters - in atomization and purification modes 0.1 6 Average time to failure, h, not less than 4000
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Deliveries in the CIS are carried out by LLC NPP RADIKO 249035, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Marx Avenue, 14 Phone: 8(48439) 4-97-16, 4-97-18 / Fax: 8(48439) 4-97-68 E-mail: / Web site: Control of exceeding the threshold value of the total activity of radionuclides 51Cr, 54Mn, 58Co, 59Fe, 65Zn, 95Nb, 100mAg, 103Ru, 124Sb, 141Ce, 144Ce in the lungs; Flexible software control of the spectrometer functions, the formation of a database and a report on the results of the survey Express control capacity - 15 people per hour The possibility of sharing AT1316(AT1316A) and AT1322(AT1322/1) The possibility of accommodation in a minibus as part of a mobile radiation control laboratory
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Sulfur Analyzer SPECTROSCAN IS, IS-T
Sulfur Analyzer SPECTROSCAN IS, IS-T
The IS-T and IS X-ray absorption flow SPECTROSCAN analyzers for sulfur in oil are designed to determine the mass fraction of sulfur in the flow of oil/petroleum products in the range from 0.02% to 6.00% (IS-T) or 0.04% to 6.0% (IS). Analyzers can be used for technological control during transportation and storage of oil, as well as during mixing (compounding) operations. The design of the analyzers allows them to be placed both independently and as part of a unit for measuring oil quality indicators (BIC) or a system for measuring the quantity and quality of oil (CIC). They are available in explosion-proof version. The analyzers have the function of automatically accounting for the influence of the density of the analyzed medium, as well as the content of water and chloride salts in it on the result of determining the mass fraction of sulfur. Structurally, the analyzers are a complete product of high factory readiness, having a block-modular design and including all the necessary functional devices to ensure efficient and safe operation.
NPO Spektron
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Specialized X-ray wavelength dispersive analyzer ARF-7
Specialized X-ray wavelength dispersive analyzer ARF-7
Specialized wavelength-dispersive XRF analyzer based on the Cochois scheme is designed for high-precision determination of chemical elements U, Th, Mo, Au, W, Tl, As, Pb as well as other elements in ores, rocks and when developing the technogenic fields. Possibility to determine groups of elements without readjustment of crystal-analyzer. Exceptionally high resolution of the Koshua X-ray optical scheme with crystal-analyzer quartz 1011. Developed mathematical support. Principle of analyzer operation is based on the excitation of the fluorescent radiation of sample atoms being under examination by radiation coming from an X-ray tube. Spectrum decomposition of the fluorescence radiation is performed according to Cauchois method. The fluorescence radiation focused by analyzing crystal and standard line are marked on Rowland focal circle. Then, they are recorded by X-ray radiation detector in turn. The intensity of the fluorescent irradiation with a particular wavelength is directly proportional to the chemical element concentration in the material under examination.
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
MAX-GF1(2)E-C Spectrometer
MAX-GF1(2)E-C Spectrometer
The X-ray fluorescence spectrometer SPECTROSCAN MAX-GF1(2)E-C combines two methods of detecting an analytical signal: diffraction on a crystal (wave dispersion - WDX) and energy dispersion (EDX) method, as well as sample delivery adapted for the analysis of large-size images. The collimation of the primary radiation of the X-ray tube and the special design of the sample presentation make it possible to analyze the sample over an area of 1 cm2 in 1 mm increments, and thus investigate the distribution of elements over an area. The spectrometer is designed to determine the contents of elements in the range from Ca to U in substances in solid, powdery, dissolved states, as well as deposited on the surface or deposited on filters. With the help of fixed energy dispersion channels, any one or two additional elements in the range from magnesium (Mg) to calcium (Ca) can be determined. With the help of this modification of the spectrometer, forensic and customs examinations, judicial and forensic medical examinations, as well as art-historical examinations are carried out.
NPO Spektron
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
The spectrometer is designed to determine the contents of elements in the range from Ca to U in substances in solid, powdery, dissolved states, as well as deposited on the surface or deposited on filters. The principle of operation of the spectrometer is based on irradiation of the sample with primary radiation from an X-ray tube, measurement of the intensity of secondary fluorescent radiation from the sample at wavelengths corresponding to the elements being determined, and subsequent calculation of the mass fraction of these elements according to a pre-constructed calibration characteristic, which is the dependence of the content of the element being determined on the measured intensity. Secondary fluorescent radiation is decomposed into a spectrum using a crystal analyzer. Due to this, the spectrometer has a high resolution, and therefore the ability to accurately analyze complex multicomponent substances.
NPO Spektron
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg