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48 products
from 380 000 ₽
A set for measuring the parameters of the microclimate, the index of the thermal load of the medium (TNS), thermal radiation, light environment, UV radiation, laser radiation
Produced in: Moscow
Educational laboratory complex KUL-1
Educational laboratory complex KUL-1
It is intended for use in higher and secondary educational institutions during laboratory workshops on training specialists in engineering and technical specialties and natural science disciplines. Technical specifications: Upost.- 0.1 mV - 500 V; Uperem.- 1 mV-300 V (40 Hz-20 kHz) Ippost. - 0.1 mkA- 2 A; Iperem. - 1.0 mkA - 2 A (40 Hz-1 kHz) Rpost. - 0.1 Ohm – 20 mOhm Generation of triangles, pilobr., "meander", sinusoid. signal in the frequency range 0.1 Hz – 1 MHz Frequency measurement in the range of 0.1 Hz – 1 MHz The form of the measured signals is sine, pulse Constant voltage: at a current of 1 A - + 5 V at a current of 0.5 A for each channel - ± 12 V Adjustable Uppost. at a current of up to 1 A - 0 – 30 V Dimensions - 170x340x380 mm Power supply – 230 V, 50 Hz, 200 VA - max. Weight – 8.0 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Electromagnetic radiation level meter P3-100
Electromagnetic radiation level meter P3-100
Broadband electromagnetic radiation meters P3-100 (hereinafter referred to as meters P3-100) are designed for measurements energy flux densities (PPE) in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 40 GHz; electric field strength (NEP) from 9 kHz to 300 MHz; magnetic field strength (NEP) from 9 kHz to 50 MHz.
NNPO im. M.V.Frunze
Nizhny Novgorod
Produced in: Nizhny Novgorod
AWP (automated workplace) for measuring noise and vibration
AWP (automated workplace) for measuring noise and vibration
Automated workplace for measuring noise, vibration, processing results and registration of protocols. It is equipped with a laptop with a pre-installed set of programs.
Produced in: Moscow
Support-rotary device OPU-1
Support-rotary device OPU-1
Technical specifications: Azimuth rotation angle from 0° to 360° with vernier ± 15° The angle of rotation according to the angle of the place from minus 30° to plus 90° The angle of the polarization plane is from minus 5° to plus 95° The installation height of the axis of the orientation mechanism is from 1.15 to 2.1 m in the version of USHIAI.301554.001 and from 1.4 to 2.35 m in the version of USHIAI.301554.001-01 Smooth adjustment of the height of the axis of the orientation mechanism 0.15 m In terms of strength under climatic and mechanical influences, the tripod complies with the norms of group 6 GOST 22261-94 The overall dimensions of the tripod are - 2080x2080x2100 mm (USHIAI.301554.001), – 2080x2080x2350 mm (USHIAI.301554.001-01) (shown in the unfolded state at maximum height. The size Ø2080 is the diameter of the circumscribed circle along the vertices of the triangle occupied by the tripod on a horizontal platform) Operating conditions of the tripod: ambient temperature from minus 50 to plus 60oC Tripod weight – 20.5 kg (USHIAI.301554.001), 21.5 kg (USHIAI.301554.001-01)
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Measuring antenna P6-23M
Measuring antenna P6-23M
Technical specifications: Frequency range (0.85 - 17.44 GHz) Standing Wave Coefficient (SWR) < 1.7 Effective area at least in the frequency range - from 0.85 to 15 GHz > 150 cm2 - from 15 to 17.44 GHz > 110 cm2 The margin of error of the effective area in the frequency range, no more - from 0.85 to 8.5 GHz ± 20% - from 8.5 to 17.44 GHz ± 15% Orthogonal polarization signal level -25 dB The level of the side lobes, no more than -10 dB Ambient temperature -50°C - 50°C Gabbar dimensions (HxWxD) 887x351x265 mm Weight 6,8 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
MTM-02 Three-component small-sized magnetometer - constant magnetic field meter
MTM-02 Three-component small-sized magnetometer - constant magnetic field meter
from 101 000 ₽
When conducting a comprehensive sanitary and hygienic inspection of premises and workplaces to ensure control over biologically hazardous levels of the magnetic field according to SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for physical factors in the workplace". The MTM-02 design allows you to quickly monitor the levels of residual magnetization of surfaces and ends of products near welds.
Produced in: Moscow
Spectrum Analyzer S4-101
Spectrum Analyzer S4-101
Technical specifications: The operating frequency range of the monitored signals is from 9·103 to 3·109 Hz The analyzer has a zero band and a viewing band in the range from 100 Hz to 3 GHz Limits of permissible error of setting the viewing band ± 1 % The scan range is set from 10 ms to 3000 s in all modes except the zero band of view, and from 20 microseconds to 3000 s in the zero band of view mode The bandwidth of the RFP at the level of minus 3 dB is selected in the range from 100 Hz to 1 MHz in increments of 1, 3, 10 The squareness coefficient of the FPC at the level of minus 60 dB / minus 3 dB is not more than 5:1 The reference level setting range is from plus 30 dBm to minus 100 dBm. Installation step 1 dB Limits of the permissible basic error of setting the reference level ± 1 dB The limits of the unevenness of the amplitude-frequency response (frequency response) of the analyzer in the frequency range from 100 kHz to 3 GHz ± 1 dB Maximum allowable input power is 30 dBm (1 W) Limits of the permissible basic error of measuring the signal level due to the nonlinearity of the logarithmic scale ± 1 dB Limits of the permissible basic error of measuring the signal level due to switching of the input attenuator ± 1 dB Limits of error in measuring the signal level due to switching filters, ± 0.2 dB relative to the 1 kHz filter The average level of intrinsic noise at the FPC bandwidth of 100 Hz, the video filter band of 10 Hz and the input attenuator of 0 dB: - in the range from 100 kHz to 20 MHz minus 75 dBm - in the range from 20 MHz to 1.5 GHz minus 110 dBm - in the range from 1.5 to 3 GHz minus 105 dBm The input impedance of the analyzer is 50 ohms The voltage standing wave coefficient (VSWR) of the input with an input attenuator greater than 10 dB, no more: - 1.5 in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 2.5 GHz - 1.8 in the frequency range from 2.5 GHz to 3 GHz Diagonal screen size 21.5 cm Screen resolution 800x480 USB interface Overall dimensions – 398x220x150 mm Weight not more than 6.5 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
COMBI-01M (VE-meter (Modification AT-004), ST-01, MAS-01)
COMBI-01M (VE-meter (Modification AT-004), ST-01, MAS-01)
from 289 000 ₽
A set for measuring the levels of electrostatic and magnetic fields, the concentration of light negative and positive aeroions.
Produced in: Moscow
A set of devices for studying the properties of electromagnetic waves
A set of devices for studying the properties of electromagnetic waves
The set of devices includes a microwave transmitter module, a microwave receiver module, a set of devices (metal reflecting screens, a refractive prism, an absorbing screen, etc.) to demonstrate the properties of electromagnetic waves (radiation, absorption, reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction). Technical specifications: The wavelength of the microwave transmitter is 3 – 4 cm; The average value of the energy flux density emitted by the microwave transmitter meets the requirements of the SanPiN 2.4/ (no more than 10 MW/ sq. m.). Receiver (transmitter) weight, not more than 0.3 kg Overall dimensions of the receiver (transmitter) 172x25x77 mm The microwave receiver module has a built-in interface for connecting to a personal computer and provides the ability to display the measured information on the PC screen. The kit includes an electronic media with software (CD-ROM) to demonstrate the operation of the equipment on the monitor screen of a personal computer.
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk