From June 21 to 24, 2023, Nizhny Novgorod, the youth capital of Russia, will host the XI All–Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists and Student Scientific Societies. The subject of the Congress is "The Scientist of our Time".
The main purpose of the Congress is to involve communities of young scientists in solving the most important tasks of the development of society and the country. The All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists is held annually on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation and is a part of the events of the Decade of Science and Technology (2022-2031).
The Congress will discuss the implementation of key initiatives and projects of the Decade of Science and Technology, and present the best practices of youth communities on solving the main tasks of the Decade. Representatives of the youth scientific communities will be able to find themselves in the implementation of federal initiatives and present their projects for the development of regions dedicated to:
‒ attracting young people to the field of research and development;
‒ developing formats of interaction between young scientists, authorities and the real sector for joint solution of problems concerning science, region, business;
‒ increasing the availability of information about the achievements and prospects of Russian science for citizens of the Russian Federation;
‒ developing popular science tourism;
‒ developing scientific volunteering and other initiatives of the Decade of Science and Technology.
«The work with the research communities has been carried out over the past few years quite systematically. The Congress is one of the important elements of this work. The main task is to form a community of like-minded people focused on results. Let me remind you that the key goal of the Decade of Science and Technology is to make the impact of science on the development of society more noticeable. I am sure that this event will contribute to forging of new teams that will not be afraid to take on the most difficult tasks. There are a lot of them today. And the Ministry of Education and Science will establish conditions for their solution," said Denis Sekirinsky, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the Coordinating Committee for the Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation.
"The Nizhny Novgorod region has always been the cradle of Russian science - from Lobachevsky to Alekseev, from the first radio and tram to the nuclear project and fast neutron reactors. Currently, more than 19,000 researchers are working for the benefit of science in our region, with more than 45% of them being young scientists under the age of 40. Every year Nizhny Novgorod, with the help of the regional government and the Council of Young Scientists of the Nizhny Novgorod region, hosts a lot of scientific and popular scientific events, including those aimed at solving the problems of the Decade of Science and Technology. All the more valuable for us is the fact that the XI All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists will be held in Nizhny Novgorod, the capital of our region, and the Youth capital of Russia!" - this is how the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region responded to the news about the Congress - Gleb Nikitin.
"For us – the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres – the All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists has always been a key annual event, and each of the Congresses was devoted to a specific subject around which the entire program and discussion agenda were shaped. The primary topic of this Congress was the "Scientist of our Time": such a choice was a joint decision of the members of the Coordinating Council, reflecting the peculiarities of today's reality in which we live and work. Science is the key to technological independence and national security of the state, but the "heart of science", the driving force of the breakthrough is the scientist. A scientist of our time – what are they like? What new things should they know and be able to do in relation to researchers, for example, 10 or 20 years ago? What tasks and challenges can they apply their knowledge and efforts to in order to contribute to the development of Russia and improve the quality of life of people living in our country? These questions are what each of us, young scientists, is concerned about, and I am sure that within the framework of the Congress we will definitely find answers to these questions," the Chairman of the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres commentedNikita Marchenkov.
The XI All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists and Student Scientific Societies will be one of the key events dedicated to the celebration of Youth Day, which is scheduled for June 24 in Nizhny Novgorod: the region will become a point of attraction for Russian youth, including scientific youth.
The Congress will be attended by representatives of the councils of young scientists and student scientific societies, members of the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Fields, laureates of the President of the Russian Federation Prize in science and innovation for young scientists, representatives of the community of winners of the competition "Leaders of Russia" (track "Science"), young scientists – recipients of state support measures, as well as representatives of other youth communities and science volunteers.
Within three days, the Congress participants, as well as leading experts in the field of science, leaders and members of youth communities will discuss the implementation of the Decade of Science and Technology initiatives, current support measures for young scientists, as well as attend the educational program and workshops of leading scientists.
Within the framework of the event there’s an open program, where representatives of youth scientific communities will be able to have their questions answered. In addition, evening and cultural programs will take place.
The results of the three-day work of the Congress participants will be a benefit to further develop the initiatives of the Decade of Science and Technology and disseminate the best practices of the work of communities of young scientists in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The organizer of the event is the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Presidential Council for Science and Education with the support of The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
Contacts for communication: +7 (495) 955-00-28, strong>
The terms of participation, as well as the terms and procedure for registration are available on the official website of the Congress: /