On April 4, Vladimir Putin is holding a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council on the development of the country's industry under the sanctions.
“Of course, I would like to emphasize that these decisions should be as transparent as possible, dear colleagues, so that they were not corrupt. The benefits should not be provided proceeding from corrupt interests. The benefits should get only those who really need them. And it is necessary to make sure that equipment purchased this year also falls under this benefit,” he said.
As for major breakthrough projects, special solutions are necessary here to provide them with subsidies and grants for the entire duration of the projects, the President added.
Vladimir Putin reminded that many industries were at the epicenter of the sanctions blockade due to the sharp break in trade, economic and cooperation ties.
Despite this, according to him, it was possible to concentrate resources and efforts to ensure the sustainability of the economic situation and to take a number of necessary steps to replace Western products with analogues of Russian or foreign production from friendly countries.
“We began to actively invest in the replacement of imported equipment and software, to introduce new mechanisms for preferential and project financing. I would like to note that we all understand that sanctions, of course, are for a long time, therefore, measures to replace imported technologies and products are in priority. We need a medium and long-term transformation in order to develop the country's sovereignty.", the President emphasized.
Source: https://nauka. рф/news/kabmin-opredelit-poryadok-lg...