Import substitution in science

Import substitution in science

Olga Tarasova, a member of the VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee, together with Sergey Adonin, Doctor of Chemical Sciences and Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, initiated the NASHA LABA project in 2022 with the support of the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Sphere of Science and Education under the Presidential Council for Science and Education.

NASHA LABA is an online catalogue of scientific equipment, consumables, reagents, furniture, and other tools useful for scientists and engineers. The products listed in the catalogue are manufactured in Russia and Belarus.

The catalogue is constantly updated and currently contains more than 22,000 items from over 700 suppliers. The platform offers versions in English, Spanish, French, Persian, Arabic and Chinese.

"NASHA LABA is a community of scientists, manufacturers, and volunteers. In addition to the product catalog, the modules "Scientific workshops" are open for researchers – a network of repair and service organizations, there are already more than 60 such organizations from 16 regions, "Custom work" – search for performers for engineering and scientific tasks, including megaprojects. First tasks from the Kurchatov Institute have already been posted on our portal. In September, we will launch a section with tasks from industrial enterprises with the support of the World-class scientific and educational center”,

said Olga Tarasova, co-founder of NASHA LABA, director of ANO Centre for the Development of Scientific and Educational Initiatives and Chairman of the Youth Council of All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators.

As Olga Tarasova noted, the project is actively supported by manufacturers, creating complex devices at the request of scientists. During the two years that the project has been in existence, NASHA LABA's team has not only created the catalog, but also presented to the public in a popular science format at various events, how a modern laboratory operates and why complex scientific instruments are necessary.

Photos from Olga Tarasova's archive.

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