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SNP TOOLBOX - Genomic variations

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SNP TOOLBOX - Genomic variations
Our tool helps:

quickly obtain comprehensive information on each variation (genes, risks, diseases)
, select the variations of interest, use software filters (by disease, by position in genes/chromosomes, by damaging effect, by occurrence, as well as unknown ones)
to visualize the variations of interest in detail
Variations can be uploaded in any available format (vcd, gvf, ...) obtained in any study, be it sequencing, PCR diagnostics or microchip analysis. Each uploaded variation is compared with a combined database collected from supervised open world sources (UCSC, OMIM, GAD,...), and the summary information is provided in a single block. You can select different lists from the uploaded variations that meet the search criteria. The report can be printed either by a list of variations or individually.
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