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Laboratory information system "Across-Clinical Laboratory" (LIS ACL)

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Laboratory information system "Across-Clinical Laboratory" (LIS ACL)
With the help of LIS ACL, you can:

- register orders by means of barcoding;
- maintain databases of patients and samples;
- sort and distribute samples to workplaces;
- connect analyzers for automatic transmission of tasks to automate manual techniques;
- quickly generate worksheets of the required format for manual techniques;
- conduct quality control in accordance with Russian and international standards;
- to introduce rules for the appointment of additional studies, depending on the results obtained;
- customize the format for providing results in text or numeric form;
- quickly generate statistical reports on the following parameters/formats;
- add expert comments to the results of completed tests, select various forms of data printing;
- send research results by e-mail;
- view patient histories, including the dates of their visits and the results of the studies;
- to integrate with medical information systems and regional health information services;
- receive prompt technical support for the product around the clock.
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