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IPEP-1 Electrostatic Field Parameter Meter

Designed to measure the potentials of electrostatically charged objects, the strength of the electrostatic field and the surface density of electric charges.

Technical specifications:

Measuring range 0.02-50 kV
The error is 5-10%
The intensity of the electrostatic field
Measuring range 2-1000 kV/m
Error 5%
Surface density of electric charges
Measuring range 0.02-10 µcl/m2
Error 5%
Measurement of the electrostatic field strength (2-1000 kV/m)
Measurement of the potential of charged objects (0.02–50 kV)
Measurement of surface charge density (2x10-8–1x10-5Kl/m2)
Measurement error ±(5-10) %
Laser pointer of the distance to the object (2, 10 cm)
3.5-digit indicator (LCD with image flip)
RS-232C interface
Dimensions, weight 40x106x268 mm, 0.7 kg
Built-in battery for 8 hours of operation
Power supply: ~220, 5 VA, 4.5–5.5 VA battery
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