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Express Mössbauer spectrometer MS1104Em

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Express Mössbauer spectrometer MS1104Em
The MS-1104E spectrometer is characterized by high performance and accuracy of Mössbauer measurements achieved through the use of “compressed” geometry, as well as the use of highly efficient and selective resonant scintillation detection units that improve the energy resolution of resonance absorption lines by up to 30%. The technique of software and hardware stabilization of the spectrometric path developed and used in the spectrometer allows for long-term Mossbauer measurements without manual adjustment. The method of modulation in the specified speed intervals can significantly increase the sensitivity and expressiveness of measurements and reduce the time to determine the magnitude of the effects of resonant absorption by tens of times in the study of temperature phase transitions with a low concentration of resonant elements.
The electronic components of the spectrometer are developed on the basis of a modern element base using programmable logic matrices and microprocessors. Adjustable spectrometric paths and high-voltage power supplies of the PMU are integrated into detection units, modulator driver modules and multi-channel storage are made in the ISA standard and are located in the processor unit of the computer. Setting and monitoring of all parameters of the spectrometer and processing of the measured spectra is carried out from the operating windows of the control and processing programs.
Since 2000, more than ten spectrometers of this type have been supplied to leading scientific organizations in Russia and neighboring countries. One of the few industrial applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy should be noted - the development and supply to the Volgodonsk NPP of certified MS-1104Em methods and spectrometer for monitoring corrosion processes in the heat exchange circuits of the VVER-1000 reactor.
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