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EVRAZ HYDRO Submersible probe For measuring the hydrogen content in steel

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EVRAZ HYDRO Submersible probe For measuring the hydrogen content in steel
Purpose: Measurement of hydrogen in molten metals
Scope of application: Induction furnaces, ladle furnace units, vacuum cleaners, casting ladles of various types, intermediate ladles, crystallizers
Measuring range: from 0.5 to 14 ppm H2
0.5 to 3ppm - 0.1ppm H2
3.0 to 14ppm - 3% H2
Measurement time: up to 60 seconds
Reproducibility of results: 0.3%
Purpose: Measurement of the percentage of carbon in steel
Scope of application: Furnaces, buckets, cupola furnace
Measuring range: 0.01 to 2.00% carbon
Accuracy: 0.01 %
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