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Monochromator "MHD-2"

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Monochromator "MHD-2"
Saint Petersburg
Technical specifications:
Range of operation
280-710 nm
Diffraction grating (replica)
1250 strokes per millimeter
The area of maximum energy concentration
350-450 nm
The working order of the spectrum
is the first
The signal-to-noise ratio on the line is 632.8 nm when detuning from the center of the line by ± 3.3 nm
is not worse than 3 * 106 times
The slits are fiber optical fibers with a diameter of 200 microns, stacked in 1 row. The height of the slits is 5 mm The resolution of the monochromator with these slits
is not worse than 0.34 nm
The accuracy of the wavelength setting is not worse than 0.2 nm Dimensions
are not more than 335 x 153 x 240 mm Weight is not more than 8 kg
Supply voltage
187-242 V
Power consumption
not more than 12 watts
Current frequency 49-51 Hz
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