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VE-26NP Eddy current structuroscope

Distinctive features:
The built-in thermometer allows you to take into account the influence of ambient temperature and improve the measurement accuracy. The built-in memory stores 4096 electrical conductivity measurement results for subsequent transfer to a PC.

Measuring range of the absolute value of specific electrical conductivity, MSm/m from 5 to 60
Measuring range of increments of electrical conductivity, MS/m from -9.99 to +9.99
Limit of permissible basic relative measurement error, % no more than 2
Permissible gap between the transducer and the surface of the controlled product, mm, no more than 0.25
Digital display of measurement results
Power supply from RRZ type battery, V 9
Power consumption, mW, no more than 40
Operating temperature range, °C 5...40
Dimensions, mm 57*84*30
Weight, g 270±20
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