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Genta gDNA Isolation kit, KI-GgDNA

The kit uses the technology of DNA sorption on magnetic particles. The entire DNA extraction process combines the steps of sample lysis, subsequent selective binding of the released DNA to magnetic beads, and then, after a series of washes, elution with the option of concentrating the DNA in a low-salt buffer.
Benefits of the set:
  • High yield of genomic DNA from E.coli and eukaryotic cells: 4-5 µg DNA from 0.5-1*109 bacterial cells and 0.25-1*106 eukaryotic cells.
  • High yield of genomic DNA when isolated from various mouse tissues and organs.
  • Indicators A260/280 = 1.80±0.05, A260/230 ≥ 2.1
  • Purified DNA is verified to be free of proteins, nucleases or other contaminants and can be used in a wide range of molecular biology techniques such as PCR, RT-PCR or other enzyme reactions.
  • High throughput for DNA extraction from large numbers of samples.
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